Posted By: Bushwacker Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
While MSN and CNN denounce her speech because of the phrase Blood Libel, I found it well thought out, poignant and focused on our rights and liberties. She focused on the actions of the man and on not punishing the public because of his personal actions. I find it absolutely mind numbing to read and listen to these left wing comments condemning her for reaffirming our rights. They are doing to her what they are saying she did in the first place. Frickin' hypocrites....I need to go outside and get some fresh air!
I thought the use of that term was BANG ON !

Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Originally Posted by Bushwacker
While MSN and CNN denounce her speech because of the phrase Blood Libel, I found it well thought out, poignant and focused on our rights and liberties. She focused on the actions of the man and on not punishing the public because of his personal actions. I find it absolutely mind numbing to read and listen to these left wing comments condemning her for reaffirming our rights. They are doing to her what they are saying she did in the first place. Frickin' hypocrites....I need to go outside and get some fresh air!

Palin was spot on, and she played it perfectly. She can't be accused of trying to score political points off this.
Posted By: CGPAUL Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
No matter what you may think of Palin, she says what she thinks...and what many of us are thinking...and not what the current wind is doing.

I like that.
Governor Palin via Facebook:
Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims� families as we express our sympathy.
I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass held in honor of the victims. The mass will hopefully help begin a healing process for the families touched by this tragedy and for our country.

Our exceptional nation, so vibrant with ideas and the passionate exchange and debate of ideas, is a light to the rest of the world. Congresswoman Giffords and her constituents were exercising their right to exchange ideas that day, to celebrate our Republic�s core values and peacefully assemble to petition our government. It�s inexcusable and incomprehensible why a single evil man took the lives of peaceful citizens that day.
There is a bittersweet irony that the strength of the American spirit shines brightest in times of tragedy. We saw that in Arizona. We saw the tenacity of those clinging to life, the compassion of those who kept the victims alive, and the heroism of those who overpowered a deranged gunman.

Like many, I�ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for this terrible event.

President Reagan said, �We must reject the idea that every time a law�s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.� Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state, not with those who listen to talk radio, not with maps of swing districts used by both sides of the aisle, not with law-abiding citizens who respectfully exercise their First Amendment rights at campaign rallies, not with those who proudly voted in the last election.

The last election was all about taking responsibility for our country�s future. President Obama and I may not agree on everything, but I know he would join me in affirming the health of our democratic process. Two years ago his party was victorious. Last November, the other party won. In both elections the will of the American people was heard, and the peaceful transition of power proved yet again the enduring strength of our Republic.
Vigorous and spirited public debates during elections are among our most cherished traditions. And after the election, we shake hands and get back to work, and often both sides find common ground back in D.C. and elsewhere. If you don�t like a person�s vision for the country, you�re free to debate that vision. If you don�t like their ideas, you�re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.

There are those who claim political rhetoric is to blame for the despicable act of this deranged, apparently apolitical criminal. And they claim political debate has somehow gotten more heated just recently. But when was it less heated? Back in those �calm days� when political figures literally settled their differences with dueling pistols? In an ideal world all discourse would be civil and all disagreements cordial. But our Founding Fathers knew they weren�t designing a system for perfect men and women. If men and women were angels, there would be no need for government. Our Founders� genius was to design a system that helped settle the inevitable conflicts caused by our imperfect passions in civil ways. So, we must condemn violence if our Republic is to endure.

As I said while campaigning for others last March in Arizona during a very heated primary race, �We know violence isn�t the answer. When we �take up our arms�, we�re talking about our vote.� Yes, our debates are full of passion, but we settle our political differences respectfully at the ballot box � as we did just two months ago, and as our Republic enables us to do again in the next election, and the next. That�s who we are as Americans and how we were meant to be. Public discourse and debate isn�t a sign of crisis, but of our enduring strength. It is part of why America is exceptional.

No one should be deterred from speaking up and speaking out in peaceful dissent, and we certainly must not be deterred by those who embrace evil and call it good. And we will not be stopped from celebrating the greatness of our country and our foundational freedoms by those who mock its greatness by being intolerant of differing opinion and seeking to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults.
Just days before she was shot, Congresswoman Giffords read the First Amendment on the floor of the House. It was a beautiful moment and more than simply �symbolic,� as some claim, to have the Constitution read by our Congress. I am confident she knew that reading our sacred charter of liberty was more than just �symbolic.� But less than a week after Congresswoman Giffords reaffirmed our protected freedoms, another member of Congress announced that he would propose a law that would criminalize speech he found offensive

It is in the hour when our values are challenged that we must remain resolved to protect those values. Recall how the events of 9-11 challenged our values and we had to fight the tendency to trade our freedoms for perceived security. And so it is today.
Let us honor those precious lives cut short in Tucson by praying for them and their families and by cherishing their memories. Let us pray for the full recovery of the wounded. And let us pray for our country. In times like this we need God�s guidance and the peace He provides. We need strength to not let the random acts of a criminal turn us against ourselves, or weaken our solid foundation, or provide a pretext to stifle debate.

America must be stronger than the evil we saw displayed last week. We are better than the mindless finger-pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy. We will come out of this stronger and more united in our desire to peacefully engage in the great debates of our time, to respectfully embrace our differences in a positive manner, and to unite in the knowledge that, though our ideas may be different, we must all strive for a better future for our country. May God bless America.
- Sarah Palin
Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
If you read it carefully, she absolutely nailed it.

Another direct hit from Palin. And per usual, beat Obama to the punch yet again.
Posted By: bbassi Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
destine to be another 10+ pager
She has a lot more sense than the MSM and most of Washington, but I guess that's why they have to assail and smear her at every turn.
This may be redundant, but here is a video on her speech. Wake up America. This woman has her chit together.

I've often wondered just why the liberal left so despises this woman. After hearing her speech I now realize why. They're very afraid.
Posted By: Karnis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Yep. She has qualities that pizz them off. I still don't understand why people scream about someone being unqualified to be POTUS when Obama had no qualities other than being a bomb throwing community organizer with proven questionable associations and idealogies. Just incredible. Best candidate in my opinion, no. Qualified? At least and much more so than BHO.
Speaking directly to the camera and the people with no side to side teleprompter reading and sounding genuine. Not to mention what she actually says is true, Sincere, and from the heart.

Dare I say....She looks.... Presidential.

Well, certainly when directly compared to what we currently have residing in office.....
Posted By: Redneck Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Originally Posted by FOsteology

Dare I say....She looks.... Presidential.

Well, certainly when directly compared to what we currently have residing in office.....
....which is more akin to the north end of a southbound skunk..
Originally Posted by CGPAUL
No matter what you may think of Palin, she says what she thinks...and what many of us are thinking...and not what the current wind is doing.

I like that.

Well , some of us, maybe
Do you think she was libeled?

I would say she has a case for court then.

She will talk any issue into a statement to spin into a political advertisment.

I wish she had ever Stopped talking and Accomplished ... something!
Posted By: Bristoe Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Pretty spiffy speech.

I wonder who wrote it.
Originally Posted by Bushwacker
While MSN and CNN denounce her speech because of the phrase Blood Libel, I found it well thought out, poignant and focused on our rights and liberties. She focused on the actions of the man and on not punishing the public because of his personal actions. I find it absolutely mind numbing to read and listen to these left wing comments condemning her for reaffirming our rights. They are doing to her what they are saying she did in the first place. Frickin' hypocrites....I need to go outside and get some fresh air!
+1 She's a class act.
That would be just a wee bit condescending, No?
Posted By: Bristoe Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
I'm quite sure she employs a speech writer.

If that's condescending, so be it.

I just wonder who it is.
Originally Posted by Calvin
If you read it carefully, she absolutely nailed it.
I did. She did.
does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?
The one with the crosshairs on Giffords?
And the statement to " reload" below?

I know she tried to explain it as a surveyors sight...
but does anyone think that?
Posted By: Bristoe Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Guy named Matthew Scully has worked with her in the past.


She also uses one of Al Gore's former speechwriters.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
I'm quite sure she employs a speech writer.

If that's condescending, so be it.

I just wonder who it is.
I imagine she does as well though perhaps not. If she does, Barry would be well served to hire him/her and fire whomever he's used for the last 2 years.
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?
The one with the crosshairs on Giffords?
And the statement to " reload" below?

I know she tried to explain it as a surveyors sight...
but does anyone think that?
I don't. If anyone thinks she was literally calling for anyone to be shot it is THEIR problem. If we apoligize to everyone with such twisted perception it would be all we ever did. Actually.... we are halfway there now.
She probably ought to just have on her website a generic blanket permanent apology for anyone she ever has or ever will offend and be done with it.
Posted By: Wook Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Great speech. The Jug-eared Kenyan in office should have been the one delivering such a fine speech like this imo, not Sarah. He should have stepped right up (like he did for Hasan) and tried to calm the political discourse. Of course there's no chance of that happening as Loughner is a white male and must have been crazed by the right.

Sarah nailed the speech and did great.

Posted By: GaryM Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
I'm really a little too angree to say how I feel about these "people" who can only look at a tragedy as a political oportunity to degrade someone else. I do have to ask, though, that Redneck please stop libeling our poor skunks.
Sarah said it quite well this morning.
she's sure getting the pub, anyway
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?
The one with the crosshairs on Giffords?
And the statement to " reload" below?

I know she tried to explain it as a surveyors sight...
but does anyone think that?

As a land surveyor, I can tell you that there are cross-hairs in the total station instruments commonly used in the profession.
Posted By: add Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Originally Posted by FOsteology

Another direct hit from Palin. And per usual, beat Obama to the punch yet again.

Does she finish the thing or get up and quit at about the 4 minute mark?

Posted By: 1minute Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Only caught a few sound bites, and thought she expressed herself well.
Posted By: Wook Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
! eek

Dang! That was good! For the record, she finished.

MSN has a about 9000 comments on her speech and the tenor of them is filled with hate. I posted my thoughts supporting Sarah and hard to believe they haven't posted them. Feel free to leave a comment of your own and try to vote.

Originally Posted by TNrifleman
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?
The one with the crosshairs on Giffords?
And the statement to " reload" below?

I know she tried to explain it as a surveyors sight...
but does anyone think that?

As a land surveyor, I can tell you that there are cross-hairs in the total station instruments commonly used in the profession.

I know that as well.
Do you think Sarah did ( before Sat)?
I am amazed at how strongly the lib media is vilifying Palin over this single term, "blood libel".

It's as if the rest of her speech never existed to these people. They are in a positive frenzy! It's amazing. Simply amazing.

Their hate has blinded them to anything else!
Posted By: chris_c Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Great speech, writer or not.
Posted By: BrentD Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
She loves her hyperbole. "Blood libel," "death panels," she is great as this stuff. Or at least her puppeteers are good at it.... smile
Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
The "blood libel" was designed to get everybody in a tissy, and not pay attention to Bam Bams speach.

Originally Posted by BrentD
She loves her hyperbole. "Blood libel," "death panels," she is great as this stuff. Or at least her puppeteers are good at it.... smile

And who has their hand up your ass making you talk and type? smile

Originally Posted by ColsPaul
Originally Posted by TNrifleman
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?
The one with the crosshairs on Giffords?
And the statement to " reload" below?

I know she tried to explain it as a surveyors sight...
but does anyone think that?

As a land surveyor, I can tell you that there are cross-hairs in the total station instruments commonly used in the profession.

I know that as well.
Do you think Sarah did ( before Sat)?

Who the F * * * cares!!?? Can you find something else to really get your panties in a wad about?

BTW, Sarah "finished" her speech? What have you "accomplished" in your life?, colspaul!!??
Posted By: BrentD Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Originally Posted by Calvin
The "blood libel" was designed to get everybody in a tissy, and not pay attention to Bam Bams speach.


Probably. And it will probably work too. Just look at this place...
Originally Posted by Wook
Great speech. The Jug-eared Kenyan in office should have been the one delivering such a fine speech like this imo, not Sarah. He should have stepped right up (like he did for Hasan) and tried to calm the political discourse. Of course there's no chance of that happening as Loughner is a white male and must have been crazed by the right.

Sarah nailed the speech and did great.


Nicely said! wink smirk
Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
I saw hosts on msnbc bashing Palin for not speaking out on this. Well, they got what they asked for!
Originally Posted by StubbleDuck
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
Originally Posted by TNrifleman
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?
The one with the crosshairs on Giffords?
And the statement to " reload" below?

I know she tried to explain it as a surveyors sight...
but does anyone think that?

As a land surveyor, I can tell you that there are cross-hairs in the total station instruments commonly used in the profession.

I know that as well.
Do you think Sarah did ( before Sat)?

Who the F * * * cares!!?? Can you find something else to really get your panties in a wad about?

BTW, Sarah "finished" her speech? What have you "accomplished" in your life?, colspaul!!??

I didn't quit the job the people chose me for. After I was sworn in to do it.

I accomplished to raise a couple of children without any out of wedlock grandbabies...
I could go on. But then I am not running to be a public servant or reality TV star LOL
Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11

You sound retarded.
Originally Posted by Calvin

You sound retarded.

that may be, but I'm smart enough not to be fooled by Sarah Palin
Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Thanks for posting all those hunt reports... The contributions you make to this forum are amazing.. (not)
Originally Posted by CGPAUL
No matter what you may think of Palin, she says what she thinks...and what many of us are thinking...and not what the current wind is doing.

I like that.

I do too. I just wish she were electable.
Posted By: bea175 Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
I love Sarah Palin and think she is a role model for all women
Originally Posted by DocRocket
I am amazed at how strongly the lib media is vilifying Palin over this single term, "blood libel".

It's as if the rest of her speech never existed to these people. They are in a positive frenzy! It's amazing. Simply amazing.

This is only a small sample. Watch what happens, should she decide to run for POTUS. shocked
u go girl!!!
from Ann Coulter:

�The winner of the most cretinous statement of 2011 -- and the list is now closed, so please hold your submissions -- is MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who on Monday night recalled Palin's statement, "We're not retreating, we're reloading," and said, I quote, "THAT'S not a metaphor."
Really, Chris? If that's not a metaphor, who did she shoot?�
Palin outclasses BHO by a wide margin. I can see President Reagan making some of the same points she did. I think the US has gone so far downhill, we will reject her not realizing we need her or someone very much like her more than ever.
Posted By: bea175 Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
The people who dislike Palin have fallen for the Lefts Smear Job and deserve nothing better than Obama and his Agenda of taking away their Freedoms and higher taxes he purposes.
Originally Posted by bea175
The people who dislike Palin have fallen for the Lefts Smear Job and deserve nothing better than Obama and his Agenda of taking away their Freedoms and higher taxes he purposes.

That is a gratuitous assumption. On what do you base it? Give examples in detail, please.

BTW, I'm not a Palin hater. I like her...just don't see her as a winner in a national election.
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?
The one with the crosshairs on Giffords?
And the statement to " reload" below?

I know she tried to explain it as a surveyors sight...
but does anyone think that?

Honestly, much to do 'bout nothing IMHO. I've yet to see ANY substantive remarks from the "left wing/liberal/Progressive media".

They couch all their propaganda in general provocative arguments that hold no water other than to further their goal of silencing dissent against their ideology.

This is their modus operandi as they have nothing to offer their base but emotionally charged rhetoric and the best they can do is point to surveyor marks on a right wing politicians map.

Meanwhile the deranged murderer is smiling, literally, knowing he has the whole Democrat party helping him in his defense. As it cannot be his fault, he was "mind controlled" by right wing media he never even listened to or was driven to this horrific crime by a map on a website he never looked at.

No wonder he is smiling, the Democrat party is just as insane as he is.

Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/12/11
Originally Posted by luv2safari

BTW, I'm not a Palin hater. I like her...just don't see her as a winner in a national election.

"On what do you base it? Give examples in detail, please."
She has negative poll numbers with women, hispanics, blacks, labor union members for starters, teachers...public employees...

She poses too big a threat to the nanny state for these groups. She scares the hell out of them. wink
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
Originally Posted by luv2safari
She has negative poll numbers with women, hispanics, blacks, labor union members for starters, teachers...public employees...

She poses too big a threat to the nanny state for these groups. She scares the hell out of them. wink

So you don't think she can win because of what you see in biased MSM polls??

You have got to be kidding me..............

I know you can do better than that.

Why don't you do a search in MCNBC, the Huffington Post or the New York Times?

I'm sure these fair minded news organizations will be able to provide you with tons of "factual data" to support your claim that Gov. Palin cannot win the Presidency in 2012.

You must keep your eyes awfully warm...with all that wool. grin

Actually Fox polls say the same things. As I said, I like her, but she has too much going against her to be electable, IMO.

If I have to eat my words after Nov 2012, I'll be as happy as you are. wink
Originally Posted by luv2safari

BTW, I'm not a Palin hater. I like her...just don't see her as a winner in a national election.
I just hope she's not the best choice next time. She was last time, by a long shot.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
Originally Posted by luv2safari

As I said, I like her, but she has too much going against her to be electable, IMO.

But that's the whole point.........your "opinion" has been slanted by what you read, see and hear from a liberally biased news media.

If you "like" a potential candidate, you should support them rather than trying like hell to find reasons to explain why they can't win a national election.

Ya' know??
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
[quote=StubbleDuck][quote=ColsPaul][quote=TNrifleman][quote=ColsPaul]does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?

I accomplished to raise a couple of children without any out of wedlock grandbabies...

"The Palin's being conserative and unlike liberals don't believe in abortion" GW
Originally Posted by luv2safari
She has negative poll numbers with women, hispanics, blacks, labor union members for starters, teachers...public employees...

She poses too big a threat to the nanny state for these groups. She scares the hell out of them. wink

A big threat to the nanny state and someone that scares the hell out of that Obama bunch you named, works for me.

And what GOP candidates poll positive with that Obama bunch?

Left leaning KOS polls have Palin slightly ahead of the other GOP guys.

As Rasmussen puts it:

�It�s a dead heat between Romney, Huckabee and Palin when likely primary voters are asked who they would vote for if their primary were held today.�

Friday, November 05, 2010
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of those voters finds that 82% have a favorable opinion of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the party�s vice presidential nominee in 2008, while just 17% view her unfavorably. That includes 50% with a Very Favorable opinion and eight percent (8%) with a Very Unfavorable one. (To see survey questions wording, click here)
Seventy-nine percent (79%) have favorable views of both Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, and ex-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Seventeen percent (17%) hold an unfavorable opinion of the two men who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008.

I keep saying these polls have very little meaning, seeing as how nobody is officially running yet.

The only poll that counts at this time is the one they held on Nov. 2, 2010.

Palin won.
Originally Posted by Bushwacker
MSN has a about 9000 comments on her speech and the tenor of them is filled with hate. I posted my thoughts supporting Sarah and hard to believe they haven't posted them. Feel free to leave a comment of your own and try to vote.


shocked Thinking that they only post the ones that they agree with. I also posted and never received my email to confirm the posting. Surely MSN wouldn't manipulate their own polls to fit their liberal agenda. frown GW

Posted By: bbassi Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
luv2safari, colspaul, et. al. - YOU may not think she can win, but the left sure as hell thinks she can. If they didn't there would be absolutely no reason for them to CONTINUALLY get worked up into a lather over what she did or didn't say, what she did, ect. etc. ect.

The left is scared to death of a woman who holds no office and controls NOTHING right now outside of her own house. The left will always tell you who they are afraid of, and they are afraid of SP. That's enough to tell me she could win and probably will. There isn't another republican that's even close right now, let alone a Dem.
Originally Posted by nemesis
Originally Posted by luv2safari

As I said, I like her, but she has too much going against her to be electable, IMO.

But that's the whole point.........your "opinion" has been slanted by what you read, see and hear from a liberally biased news media.

If you "like" a potential candidate, you should support them rather than trying like hell to find reasons to explain why they can't win a national election.

Ya' know??

I'm not that naive by a long shot. I worked on political campaigns for years and have a background that a great many don't. Again...another gratuitous assumption that I am "tainted" by the MSM.

You forget that I was spot on about that nutcase, Sharon Angle. I told you and others she would lose soundly, and she did.

When I find someone I feel has the right values, and appears to have what it takes to win, I'll work for them. Palin isn't that candidate. She will take us down in 2012. We can't take that chance.

If she ends up our side's choice, I'll work for her. If she wins, I'll print out my posts and find some good sauce for them, as I eat the pages. wink

Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
Originally Posted by luv2safari
As I said, I like her.............

Originally Posted by luv2safari
When I find someone I feel has the right values, and appears to have what it takes to win, I'll work for them. Palin isn't that candidate.

Well.............what is it, do you like her or not?

Make up your mind will ya'?
How many times do I have to say..."I like her, but I don't think she is electable"...? It seems pretty simple. wink
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
Originally Posted by Calvin

You sound retarded.

that may be, but I'm smart enough not to be fooled by Sarah Palin

You call that smart? How is she trying to fool you? Don't you really mean to say " you can't fool me; I'm too ignorant."
Originally Posted by luv2safari
How many times do I have to say..."I like her, but I don't think she is electable"...? It seems pretty simple. wink

grin "Agree" GW

Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
Originally Posted by luv2safari
How many times do I have to say..."I like her, but I don't think she is electable"...? It seems pretty simple. wink

So you said it.........now why don't you just shut up about it, instead of taking every opportunity you can on this forum to keep repeating the "Palin isn't electable" mantra over and over again......ad nauseum??

Sounds like you are you trying to convince yourself that it's true.........ya' know?
Wishful thinking, perhaps?

On Safari's part, that is.
She is battling uphill. As one pundit stated earlier tonight, and I paraphrase, the progressives on the left were ready to go after her for using a semicolon in her retort. Sarah barracuda is a tough gal though, she'll be just fine. Honestly, it was one of her best little speeches ever.
Originally Posted by nemesis
Originally Posted by luv2safari
How many times do I have to say..."I like her, but I don't think she is electable"...? It seems pretty simple. wink

So you said it.........now why don't you just shut up about it, instead of taking every opportunity you can on this forum to keep repeating the "Palin isn't electable" mantra over and over again......ad nauseum??

Sounds like you are you trying to convince yourself that it's true.........ya' know?

LMAO...pot calling the kettle black. wink Maybe it will sink in after November 2012, but even then, I somehow doubt it. I'm not trying to pick fights here about her. You seem to take things so personal. We have the same political goals, just a difference in the starting lineup.

I haven't seen a draft choice I would pick yet. You have. If you represent those who are trying to get her elected, you are going about it wrong. You can't insult anyone into voting as you would like. shocked
Pamela Gellar at Atlas Shrugs:
Today Sarah Palin responded to the vicious blood libel leveled against her by the army of destroyers. The ferocious, relentless attacks on Sarah Palin are a testament to her greatness, proof of how deathly afraid of her they are, like Dracula to the silver cross.

We, on the other hand, cut and run when the lie about whomever is round the world, before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

I cringe when I hear conservatives and Republicans say Sarah Palin is not electable. Why? Because evildoers said so? Who cares? That�s what they want you to think.

How wonderful it would be to have a clear thinking, rational, proud patriot for president. Who else could possibly restore America back to her standing and respect in the world? I think Palin would be spectacular, one of the greats.

Michelle Malkin in part says:

Today, Sarah Palin issued her own poignant, but fierce rejoinder against the vicious smears of Tucson massacre opportunists and drew on �America�s enduring strength� to pay tribute to the victims.
They criticized her for not saying anything.
Now, they�ll criticizing her for saying something.

Idiocracy: The new normal.

She sure came through today and hit a home run. There is no arguing that. cool
Originally Posted by CGPAUL
No matter what you may think of Palin, she says what she thinks...and what many of us are thinking...and not what the current wind is doing.

I like that.

That's what scares the [bleep] out of the left and the moderate RINO's. She's too close to the true for comfort.
Originally Posted by luv2safari

She sure came through today and hit a home run. There is no arguing that. cool

Some will.

Somebody else hit the ball and ran all the bases for her homerun.
And they have been doing it for her for over 20 years.

Don�t you know that Silly Sarah with her degree in Journalism can�t write a lick?
She is the only politician that has to use speech writers?
That her teleprompter was reflecting off her glasses?

Answering this crap is like playing whackamole!
Posted By: okok Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
Originally Posted by luv2safari
You must keep your eyes awfully warm...with all that wool. grin

Actually Fox polls say the same things. As I said, I like her, but she has too much going against her to be electable, IMO.

If I have to eat my words after Nov 2012, I'll be as happy as you are. wink

Spot on. imo
Originally Posted by oldtimer303
Originally Posted by ColsPaul
[quote=StubbleDuck][quote=ColsPaul][quote=TNrifleman][quote=ColsPaul]does anyone here think she shoul appologise or at least put a spin on her websight?

I accomplished to raise a couple of children without any out of wedlock grandbabies...

"The Palin's being conserative and unlike liberals don't believe in abortion" GW

Spot on OldTimer! And nowhere, not one-time has Bristol EVER claimed she was victimized nor tried to duck "her sins" or "mistake" of getting preggars! INSTEAD the young and determined single-mom has loved her baby-son and QUIETLY gone about the business of raising him! Bristol has also taken the opportunity to tell other single teens not to make the same mistake - something she isn't required to do. (screw public opinion! or colspaul's)

Colspaul is a judgemental bastard, besides being an ignorant hack. sick
There, I think that's most of the Palinites.
Make a list.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
Originally Posted by luv2safari

We have the same political goals, just a difference in the starting lineup.

No we don't!

I want a hard nosed, common sense, family values oriented, 2nd Amendment supporting, anti-abortion, God fearing, say what you mean, Conservative like the former Governor of Alaska to be our next President.

And you want some Obama clone with an R after his name that has been "ordained" by the leftist MSM and other political pundits as a slightly right of center moderate who has been deemed to be an "electable" opponent for the Messiah!

I don't have Sarah Palin in my "starting lineup" as yet, but unlike you, I think she has every right to try out for the team and be given every opportunity there is to win the starting position.

All I'm saying is that it's extremely wrongheaded to begin eliminating candidates from the "starting lineup" before you have seen a single competitor actually try out for the position.

Why is it necessary for you to make predictions about how well a candidate will fare against their opponents before you've seen the others play??

To me, that's not only unfair, but it also jeopardizes an individual's ability to compete on a level playing field.

It's that simple......... smirk

Posted By: Plinker Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/13/11
Originally Posted by Timberlake
I've often wondered just why the liberal left so despises this woman. After hearing her speech I now realize why. They're very afraid.

Yep. They've even replaced, "It's Bush's fault." with "It's Palin's fault."
"Blood Libel" a term fallen out of use for so long it doesn't mean what it once did. It means, as her intent was, proselytizing ones beliefs using the of the blood of the innocent. With that she is dead on the money.

She uses the term for one reason, to show the libs as idiots. You see, it isn't necessary to prove a lib an idiot, it actually takes very little effort. Just apply the right stimulation and the libs with prove themselves idiots.
Originally Posted by nemesis
Originally Posted by luv2safari

We have the same political goals, just a difference in the starting lineup.

And you want some Obama clone with an R after his name that has been "ordained" by the leftist MSM and other political pundits as a slightly right of center moderate who has been deemed to be an "electable" opponent for the Messiah!

Why is it necessary for you to make predictions about how well a candidate will fare against their opponents before you've seen the others play??

To me, that's not only unfair, but it also jeopardizes an individual's ability to compete on a level playing field.

It's that simple......... smirk

LMAO...again... grin grin

Your reading comprehension is nil. Where have I ever implied that I want anything remotely resembling a RINO? That is the last thing I want to see nominated. You just can't stand it that many don't see Palin as a viable candidate. It seems to drive you nuts.

If my wanting to look at alternatives to Palin isn't "fair", and it could keep her from a nomination and a run at the White House, I've been grossly underestimating my own personal power all these years. laugh

She isn't my choice or that of many conservatives. If she gets the nod, I'll knock on doors, walk the neighborhoods, and place the signs for her. I think this is all moot; she won't run, IMO.

Palin Death Threats at 'Unprecedented Level'
By U.S. News Staff

Posted: January 13, 2011
Her team is talking to security experts after receiving what an aide has described as an "unprecedented level" of death threats.

Quite simply Palin will not be elected President in 2012 and if she is nominated by the GOP, BHO will win in a landslide of tsunamic proportions.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Quite simply Palin will not be elected President in 2012 and if she is nominated by the GOP, BHO will win in a landslide of tsunamic proportions.

The election of B-HO disproves your position. Usually they tell candidates the they have to campaign more from the middle to appeal to the largest percentage of people. He campaigned from the far left and won. McCain was in the middle and he lost. Reagan was from the right and he won.

I'd say if she holds herself to the right, continues her message unabated, stands by her positions, then she has a very good chance. Toss in another mushy RINO, forget it.

Ken Blackwell as vice

Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Quite simply Palin will not be elected President in 2012 and if she is nominated by the GOP, BHO will win in a landslide of tsunamic proportions.

I'm afraid I have to agree. I agree with just about all of her viewpoints, but don't think she is a very good candidate, at least not for POTUS. She's not a very good speaker. I thought the concept she tried to convey this past week was off the mark, and of course it wasn't very well delivered. She obviously has some potential perhaps as a cabinet member, but presidential candidate...? I'm really afraid she'll get some momentum and somehow get the nomination. Hope not.
Posted By: Brad Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
If this was her "coming out" as a potential 2012 candidate with the ability to appeal beyond the 24hrcampfire crowd, she failed miserably. Referencing "blood libel" might be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in popular politics. Sounded totally contrived and disingenuous.
We just need to shut up and wait until Sept of 2012 when Spandex will appoint a winner to run against BO .

His "dream ticket" will be Brad and Jeff O .
Posted By: Brad Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
Funny, I'm a conservative and would like an actual one to run... Palin is Obama's dream to run against.
Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
If this was her "coming out" as a potential 2012 candidate with the ability to appeal beyond the 24hrcampfire crowd, she failed miserably.

Couldn't agree more. She may even be going backwards. The libs are just pumped with excitement over the prospect of her being BO's opposition, too. To bad she wasn't on the ticket to be the Seantor from Alaska. She probably could have won that one.
Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
Originally Posted by crosshair
"Blood Libel" a term fallen out of use for so long it doesn't mean what it once did. It means, as her intent was, proselytizing ones beliefs using the of the blood of the innocent. With that she is dead on the money.

Yep. People call Palin stupid, then throw a tissy when she talks over their heads.
Posted By: Brad Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by crosshair
"Blood Libel" a term fallen out of use for so long it doesn't mean what it once did. It means, as her intent was, proselytizing ones beliefs using the of the blood of the innocent. With that she is dead on the money.

Yep. People call Palin stupid, then throw a tissy when she talks over their heads.

Oh BS, she likely had to Google "blood libel"... not that's she's not intelligent, jut not particularly well educated. She couldn't have come up with that on her own.

I would have thought her inability to answer simple geo-political questions in 2008 would have made that fundamentally clear...
Did she campaign in all 57 states?
Palin is the Peter Principle personified. Out of her league ( and their hair) thanks to the GOP/EXXON-MOBIL promotion. Out of her element, Alaska. Buoyed up on New York money that actually despises her for the useful idiot she is, hedging/bolstering their sincere bets. Blood libel is so funny in and out of such context. Alas irony and decency never met in such confounded crossroads. Gotta love her. Poor girl!
Originally Posted by bea175
I love Sarah Palin and think she is a role model for all women
I love Sarah Palin and I think she's a role model for EVERYONE!!!!!

I had to add my 2 cents.
Geo-political questions my ass.

If Couric is the pinnacle of geo-political questions then the left and all the Palin haters can elect ol'Katy.

Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
Gotta love her.

I do. Problem is even if she was flush with all issues all the time, I don't think she could improve her electability, just due to her personality and communication skills.
Posted By: Calvin Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
Originally Posted by Brad
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by crosshair
"Blood Libel" a term fallen out of use for so long it doesn't mean what it once did. It means, as her intent was, proselytizing ones beliefs using the of the blood of the innocent. With that she is dead on the money.

Yep. People call Palin stupid, then throw a tissy when she talks over their heads.

Oh BS, she likely had to Google "blood libel"... not that's she's not intelligent, jut not particularly well educated. She couldn't have come up with that on her own.

I love it when people just speculate on things.
Originally Posted by sse
If this was her "coming out" as a potential 2012 candidate with the ability to appeal beyond the 24hrcampfire crowd, she failed miserably.

Couldn't agree more. She may even be going backwards. The libs are just pumped with excitement over the prospect of her being BO's opposition, too. To bad she wasn't on the ticket to be the Seantor from Alaska. She probably could have won that one.

Sarah Palin gave a great speech.
It was a perfect example of why the libs fear this woman so much.
It was Presidential in its delivery and timely in its defense of the vile, slanderous blood libel piled on Palin.

It was 8 minutes by Palin against 45 minutes by Obama.
8 minutes that will prove to be a turning point in the right direction for Palin.
A turning point that will a titanic tidal wave.

More and more people are seeing the Leftwingnut attacks for what they are.
Blood libel. The attacks that started with Palin�s VP run have been blood libel in every true sense of the phrase.

Plain to see, why the Leftwingnuts are trying to stop Palin and shape the GOP agenda to their liking.

Plain to see, for anyone with honest eyes.
Posted By: byc Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
I thought they both gave good and proper speeches. Finally and rightly so!
I agree, they were both good and proper.
Obama tribute could and should have been shorter than his 45 minutes.
Palin was at 8 minutes.
And the best I very heard�Was Reagan at 4 minutes.

�We will never forget them nor the last time we saw them this morning as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.'�

He had a good speech writer too, John Gillespie Magee, American airman killed in World War II.
I heard a recording of Palin today denying that those were rifle scope reticles on that political map. Said they were surveyor scope reticles, if you can believe that. She lost a bit of my respect with that. She should not have lied about it, and should have just stood on the point that it's BS to blame her for the shooter, regardless of the form her political speech took. Shows poor character, IMO. Very disappointing.
I really don't think much of Sarah Palin, pretty face but no real substance, but all this crap about what was meant on some handouts encouraging getting certain candidates out of office is crap. Typical overblown political imagery is all it was.
Next thing, they will have to close down Targets, surely someone is going to see that as a sign they should shoot everyone in one of those stores.
And if you are hearing voices in your head, telling you what I just wrote is a good idea, you are not being influenced, you are crazy!

They were surveyor scope reticles. Easy to tell the difference if you have ever looked thru both types.
Palin people are the ones saying that and they are technically correct.

Not that it matters much, the idea was to target the �Take back the Twenty� districts.
Nothing wrong with that�been done many times before�the Dems used bulleyes on their map.

Is this for real? Arguing whether what we have here are surveyor scopes reticles or rifle scope reticles? How many of the general voting public know the difference, or give a dead rat's ass?

Get truly real, this gal is toast. She has done her part for the Party, made big bucks and for that she must be praised. Let her retire to a life of gentle punditry. She has several more good years of minor fame as a Hannity babe.
The point would be that Sarah Palin is not a liar.

Now it is your turn to get real.

Where on God�s Green Earth, do you come up with the idea that Sarah will ever retire or just sit back and watch the parade go by?

Nowhere in her record of over twenty years of public service has she ever done anything remotely close to your suggestions.
Sarah just is not wired to step aside when she believes in something that needs to get done.

Do you not understand that this has been a very good week for Palin?
A lot of the Leftwingnut crap is flushing down the tubes.
After they had stepped in it and overplayed their hand.

Even a lot of LSM are turning about 2 to 1 in Sarah�s favor about what was dumped unfairly in her path.

Never said she was or is a liar.

Didn't I read somewhere that she served some few months as a Governor of some small state? Maybe I was wrong?
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Never said she was or is a liar.

Didn't I read somewhere that she served some few months as a Governor of some small state? Maybe I was wrong?

Just a golddigger, eh.
No you did not but TRH did.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Never said she was or is a liar.

Didn't I read somewhere that she served some few months as a Governor of some small state? Maybe I was wrong?

Small state? Just over 4x the size of the third biggest state... and about 10x the size of say Wisconsin...
Originally Posted by Brad
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by crosshair
"Blood Libel" a term fallen out of use for so long it doesn't mean what it once did. It means, as her intent was, proselytizing ones beliefs using the of the blood of the innocent. With that she is dead on the money.

Yep. People call Palin stupid, then throw a tissy when she talks over their heads.

Oh BS, she likely had to Google "blood libel"... not that's she's not intelligent, jut not particularly well educated. She couldn't have come up with that on her own.

I would have thought her inability to answer simple geo-political questions in 2008 would have made that fundamentally clear...

Really? A collage graduate in journalism and she had to Google it. I'm just a dumb C/O and I didn't have to Google it.

Truth be known, the more polarized the political environment the better her chances.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/14/11
Originally Posted by Brad
If this was her "coming out" as a potential 2012 candidate with the ability to appeal beyond the 24hrcampfire crowd, she failed miserably. Referencing "blood libel" might be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in popular politics. Sounded totally contrived and disingenuous.

It looks like the only thing "dumb" around here is you!

Here's what the famous Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, a liberal Democrat and also a Jew by the way, had to say about it:

Alan Dershowitz Defends Palin on �Blood Libel�

January 12, 2011 1:45 P.M. By Daniel Foster
In a statement to BigGovernment.com:

The term �blood libel� has taken on a broad metaphorical meaning in public discourse. Although its historical origins were in theologically based false accusations against the Jews and the Jewish People, its current usage is far broader. I myself have used it to describe false accusations against the State of Israel by the Goldstone Report. There is nothing improper and certainly nothing anti-Semitic in Sarah Palin using the term to characterize what she reasonably believes are false accusations that her words or images may have caused a mentally disturbed individual to kill and maim. The fact that two of the victims are Jewish is utterly irrelevant to the propriety of using this widely used term.

Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
They were surveyor scope reticles. Easy to tell the difference if you have ever looked thru both types.
Palin people are the ones saying that and they are technically correct.

Not that it matters much, the idea was to target the �Take back the Twenty� districts.
Nothing wrong with that�been done many times before�the Dems used bulleyes on their map.
Of course there's nothing wrong with the imagery in politics, and that should have been her line of defense, NOT backing away from what the imagery obviously brings to mind, i.e., that they are targeting certain districts. The aid or whoever that came up with the graphics certainly meant that to be the idea, and if he chose surveyor scope reticles it was almost certainly an accident, since that had nothing to do with the message they wanted to convey. She should never have backed away from them being targeting symbols.
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Never said she was or is a liar.

Didn't I read somewhere that she served some few months as a Governor of some small state? Maybe I was wrong?

Just a golddigger, eh.

Certainly the apotheosis of a "golddigger", she is everybit the epitome of the gold "accumulator".

I hope she enjoys every little dollar of her new earned wealth.
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Never said she was or is a liar.

Didn't I read somewhere that she served some few months as a Governor of some small state? Maybe I was wrong?

Small state? Just over 4x the size of the third biggest state... and about 10x the size of say Wisconsin...

Yes. Small state, in fact very small state. Alaska ranks 47 out of the 50 states. Only North Dakota and Vermont are smaller.
whistle For those who think the lady is shallow, stupid, uneducated, might want to take a look at her 2010 tax return and compare to your own. She is not doing bad for stupid broad with a pretty face. GW
Originally Posted by oldtimer303
whistle For those who think the lady is shallow, stupid, uneducated, might want to take a look at her 2010 tax return and compare to your own. She is not doing bad for stupid broad with a pretty face. GW

Only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think Perky is a "stupid broad with a pretty face".

But then only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think she should run for President.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas
Originally Posted by oldtimer303
whistle For those who think the lady is shallow, stupid, uneducated, might want to take a look at her 2010 tax return and compare to your own. She is not doing bad for stupid broad with a pretty face. GW

Only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think Perky is a "stupid broad with a pretty face".

But then only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think she should run for President.

Little jealous, huh?
Originally Posted by sse
Gotta love her.

I do. Problem is even if she was flush with all issues all the time, I don't think she could improve her electability, just due to her personality and communication skills.

Little over your head, is she? Maybe you need to do a little brushing up; catch up with modern times, ya know.

Don't worry she probably won't run and if she does she will get whupped in the early primaries.
I'm sure that she would be one of the greatest presidents but she's doing pretty good doing what she does right now. Keeping libs stirred up and afraid.
Posted By: byc Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/15/11
Agreed. I really thought she would be Steele's replacement but now I suppose we know her intentions for 2012.
I never saw that fit for Sarah.
Going back to her Alaska politics she has always yanked the GOP establishment chain almost as hard as the Dems.
Palin is hard core Tea Party and the GOP beltway boys can�t stand it.

Romney would have been a better fit for that good old boys/big bucks fund raising job.

For what it is worth, this is the first poll I have seen since Sarah�s speech.

Media Curves showed her speech to 1,437 self-reported Democrats, Republicans and Independents between January 13-14. Her sincerity, believability, and likeability scores improved after the group of 1,437 self-reported Democrats, Republicans, and Independents viewed her speech.

Here is the raw data. 81% of Republicans and 56% of independents concluded that the speech will help her image and 78% of Republicans and 54% of independents concluded that the speech will help her in a potential presidential run.

Posted By: Bristoe Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/15/11
Nobody who proposes doing what needs to be done has a hoot in hell chance of getting elected, anyway. In fact,..anyone who truly understands the problems this country faces probably wouldn't even run for President.

Which means that 2 years into an administration, everybody is going to hate whoever gets elected.

Obama only ran because he wanted it on his resume' that he was a candidate,.....then he messed around and won,...now he's getting all beat up by everybody for not being allowed by the ruling class to do all of those things he promised.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas
Originally Posted by oldtimer303
whistle For those who think the lady is shallow, stupid, uneducated, might want to take a look at her 2010 tax return and compare to your own. She is not doing bad for stupid broad with a pretty face. GW

Only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think Perky is a "stupid broad with a pretty face".

But then only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think she should run for President.

But only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated would endlessly repeat unsubstantiated judgments for Sarah not to try.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas
Originally Posted by oldtimer303
whistle For those who think the lady is shallow, stupid, uneducated, might want to take a look at her 2010 tax return and compare to your own. She is not doing bad for stupid broad with a pretty face. GW

Only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think Perky is a "stupid broad with a pretty face".

But then only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think she should run for President.

But only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated would endlessly repeat unsubstantiated judgments for Sarah not to try.

But only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated would endlessly repeat the mantra that Perky should receive the nomination.

Perky Katie Couric!!??

Suuuurrely you jest! smirk

Originally Posted by StubbleDuck

Perky Katie Couric!!??

Suuuurrely you jest! smirk

Not at all.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas
Originally Posted by oldtimer303
whistle For those who think the lady is shallow, stupid, uneducated, might want to take a look at her 2010 tax return and compare to your own. She is not doing bad for stupid broad with a pretty face. GW

Only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think Perky is a "stupid broad with a pretty face".

But then only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated, would think she should run for President.

But only the shallow, stupid, and uneducated would endlessly repeat unsubstantiated judgments for Sarah not to try.

That just makes too much sense to overcome with logic. But the spin will continue by the left and moderate POS.
Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/17/11
Originally Posted by Bigbuck215
Originally Posted by sse
Gotta love her.

I do. Problem is even if she was flush with all issues all the time, I don't think she could improve her electability, just due to her personality and communication skills.

Little over your head, is she? Maybe you need to do a little brushing up; catch up with modern times, ya know.

Took you off ingore to read this.

You obviously don't understand politics, especially with regard to key ingredients necessary to gain office.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/17/11
Originally Posted by sse

You obviously don't understand politics, especially with regard to key ingredients necessary to gain office.

And what were the "key ingredients necessary" for a shoeshine boy from Chicago to "gain office."

Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/17/11
That's been gone over well enough for two years. I'm not debating with the idiot club, of which you are evidently a charter member.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/18/11
Originally Posted by sse
That's been gone over well enough for two years. I'm not debating with the idiot club, of which you are evidently a charter member.

Typical response when you are talking out of your azzhole and get called on it!

You dope!!
Pretty spiffy speech.

I wonder who wrote it.

Just a guess Bristoe - Unemployed California 'speech' writers who've seen the light, and looking for work?


edit: rephrased before I confuse someone.......
Originally Posted by nemesis
Originally Posted by sse

You obviously don't understand politics, especially with regard to key ingredients necessary to gain office.

And what were the "key ingredients necessary" for a shoeshine boy from Chicago to "gain office."


Quoth the raven, "nevermore."

In other words, not much of an answer from such a learned person. C'mon, sse, surely you can do better than that!

O, remember to take me off ignore before you read this...

The Palinites will be with us awhile longer. Perky will ride this horse until it drops either by her quitting or getting badly whupped (again) in a debate.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

The Palinites will be with us awhile longer. Perky will ride this horse until it drops either by her quitting or getting badly whupped (again) in a debate.

Dream on, Spanky!
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

The Palinites will be with us awhile longer. Perky will ride this horse until it drops either by her quitting or getting badly whupped (again) in a debate.

What debate was that?
Posted By: FlaRick Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/18/11
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

The Palinites will be with us awhile longer. Perky will ride this horse until it drops either by her quitting or getting badly whupped (again) in a debate.

If you check the record, it was widely acknowledged that Palin won her debate with Biden.

I'm hardly a Palinite but I can't understand conservatives and Republicans who take delight in putting her down. You NEVER see the libs or Democrats do this to one of their own. The proven idiot Biden is living proof of that.
Originally Posted by FlaRick
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

The Palinites will be with us awhile longer. Perky will ride this horse until it drops either by her quitting or getting badly whupped (again) in a debate.

If you check the record, it was widely acknowledged that Palin won her debate with Biden.

I'm hardly a Palinite but I can't understand conservatives and Republicans who take delight in putting her down. You NEVER see the libs or Democrats do this to one of their own. The proven idiot Biden is living proof of that.

Most here are not anti-Palin just anti-nominating her for President.

She does a fine and wonderful job of raising money for herself and Conservative causes. If her handlers can keep her on that track I will be most happy. May she continue to thrive.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/18/11
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Most here are not anti-Palin just anti-nominating her for President.

She does a fine and wonderful job of raising money for herself and Conservative causes. If her handlers can keep her on that track I will be most happy. May she continue to thrive.

Who are you trying to bullschit Spunky........you've been insidiously taking shots at Sarah Palin for weeks now.

I'll always remember what my father used to say when he heard patronizing pricks like you running their mouths:

"Why don't you blow it out of your azz??"
Originally Posted by nemesis
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Most here are not anti-Palin just anti-nominating her for President.

She does a fine and wonderful job of raising money for herself and Conservative causes. If her handlers can keep her on that track I will be most happy. May she continue to thrive.

Who are you trying to bullschit Spunky........you've been insidiously taking shots at Sarah Palin for weeks now.

I'll always remember what my father used to say when he heard patronizing pricks like you running their mouths:

"Why don't you blow it out of your azz??"

Spankys a spinner. More than likely a moveon.org closet liberal it very easy to say you're conservative but it all comes out in the dirty wash.

Recess time again for the short bus crowd.
Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/18/11
I don't consider Palin much of a candidate, nothing to do with her politics or philosophy. She's a great tea party supporter across nearly all of the issues as far as I can tell, but seems limited in her ability to advance the cause. When she couldn't answer a question about the magazines she reads with any kind of savvy, that's our political star? I don't think she's gotten much better at the game since then. Plus, being a tea partier, she will get only limited help from the established Repubs, unless the tea party can get them to change direction, too.

The one saving hope is that even if Obama manages to get re-elected, the tea party might still be successful in brooming out some more libs and Rinos, effectively neutering Obama politically.

Right now, though, Bammy is off to a good start for 2012, especially with the crisis he was able to make hay out of. That has quelled the drum beat against Obamacare, at least for the time being.
I really don�t understand any of this.

During the campaign last year, Sarah Palin did more to advance the cause than any other individual. Being a great Tea Party supporter is a very good way to advance the cause.
If I am wrong, tell me who did better.

You bring up a question about reading from a 2008 interview that was edited to make her look bad and ignore all the other interviews where Sarah has done just fine?
Have you not see any of the tons of stuff she has done on FOX with Wallace and all the rest of the bunch?
Did you watch Sarah last night with Hannity?

If you are stuck in 2008, what about the all time VP acceptance speech with 37 million viewers. That is Political star power.

The Tea Party needs limited help from the established Repubs and RINOs?
They torn them a new one last year.
The Repubs and RINOs are the ones on life support and needing help, not the Tea Party.

The opposition to Obamacare is quenched for now?
The vote to repeal is this week.

Obama is off to a very weak start this year and got a statistically insignificant bump from Tucson.
Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/18/11
OK, first of all I remember at least two of her candidates did not win. How much do the successful ones owe to her, specifically? Hard to gauge.

I don't think she handles a hostile interviewer very well. I'll bet she's mulled over a hundred times how to better respond during that interview, but you don't get a second chance. It's a matter of thinking on one's feet. Some politicians are very good at it, while actually making a good point (versus those that BS and just change the subject). She stumbled. I'm not stuck in 2008, but I don't see much improvement since then, is the problem. I didn't see the vid of her last night. Maybe I'll watch some more of her, but lately I haven't been going out of my way, because it's too disappointing.

I have seen her on Fox and wish she could do a better job of conveying her message. She keeps repeating her "common sense" phrase and it just doesn't work, IMHO.

My point about the Tea Party is that they will never have genuine support from establishment Repubs, because many of them are part of the problem that the TP is trying to correct, they're afraid and insulted by the TP, so the best they will do is lip service. Can the TP push through that and field more winning candidacies? I hope so.

The Tuscon crisis took a lot of wind out of Boehner's sails, hopefully just temporarily. And I wouldn't be surprised if that bump in the polls becomes more than a temporary spike. If the economy doesn't start dipping again, Obama's approval numbers will stabilize, because there have been many polls in the last year and a half showing he is well-liked even if his policies aren't.

I forced myself to watch Palin on Hannity. Her performance reconfirmed my opinion that she is not Presidential material. She really needs a voice and vocabulary coach and maybe a few more semesters in a decent university.

I don't know how many times she used "you know" and "common sense". She comes across as a precocious 30 year old kindergarten teacher babbling to her charges. She is cute, though...
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/19/11
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I forced myself to watch Palin on Hannity. Her performance reconfirmed my opinion that she is not Presidential material. She really needs a voice and vocabulary coach and maybe a few more semesters in a decent university.

I don't know how many times she used "you know" and "common sense". She comes across as a precocious 30 year old kindergarten teacher babbling to her charges. She is cute, though...

Yup, those must be the "necessary ingredients necessary to gain office" that sse was referring to in an earlier post.

The problem with that half-azzed reasoning is that the current incumbent seems to possess those qualities and look what we've got!

Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I forced myself to watch Palin on Hannity. Her performance reconfirmed my opinion that she is not Presidential material. She really needs a voice and vocabulary coach and maybe a few more semesters in a decent university.

I don't know how many times she used "you know" and "common sense". She comes across as a precocious 30 year old kindergarten teacher babbling to her charges. She is cute, though...

You just said that you mind was made up before you �forced� yourself to watch Palin.
That says a quite a lot�.

�She really needs a voice and vocabulary coach and maybe a few more semesters in a decent university.�

That is condescending and patronizing to FOX news people who know a lot more than you do about successful TV analysis.
FOX people do not over use phrases or they would not be FOX people.
Sarah�s ratings on FOX prove you to be the one who is wrong.

I am still waiting for the first coherent answer from anyone as to how someone as bad as Sarah continues to do so well on the highest rated cable news network.

And you also insulted the people of Idaho and their University.

��a precocious 30 year old kindergarten teacher babbling to her charges.�

That is insulting to all kindergarten teachers of any age, anywhere, including my wife.

Nice going.

One more thing:

You may not like the folksy speech patterns of Sarah Palin, but she does not talk and has not written anything that is condescending or patronizing or insulting.

You and Sarah Palin live in different worlds.

That is a bigger problem for you than for Sarah.
Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/19/11
The problem with that half-azzed reasoning is that the current incumbent seems to possess those qualities and look what we've got!

OK, I'll try and give you the benefit of the doubt without...just forget it.

Yeah, "those qualities" are what get people elected. "those qualities" are what got Bammy elected. "those qualities" are what a good conservative candidate needs to get elected. "those qualities" are what Palin doesn't have. She could have grown into this better, such as making a run for the Senate. What Spano says is exactly why I can't watch the woman. If by some miracle she can get a clue, or chill, or do something to make her "flat screen" appeal improve, just maybe....? She needs help, and she's not improving, Rove is right about that.
maybe you and Spanky need to become part of her advisory team. O, probably wouldn't hire libs for that job. Bad idea.
Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/19/11
Sorry, I put you back on ignore...LOL

Appealing to the Fox crowd is not going to get her much past a primary or two.

Any candidate must appeal to a much larger electorate than those of us who are Foxfans.
How come you keep peekin'??
Originally Posted by sse
OK, first of all I remember at least two of her candidates did not win. How much do the successful ones owe to her, specifically? Hard to gauge.

I don't think she handles a hostile interviewer very well. I'll bet she's mulled over a hundred times how to better respond during that interview, but you don't get a second chance. It's a matter of thinking on one's feet. Some politicians are very good at it, while actually making a good point (versus those that BS and just change the subject). She stumbled. I'm not stuck in 2008, but I don't see much improvement since then, is the problem. I didn't see the vid of her last night. Maybe I'll watch some more of her, but lately I haven't been going out of my way, because it's too disappointing.

I have seen her on Fox and wish she could do a better job of conveying her message. She keeps repeating her "common sense" phrase and it just doesn't work, IMHO.

My point about the Tea Party is that they will never have genuine support from establishment Repubs, because many of them are part of the problem that the TP is trying to correct, they're afraid and insulted by the TP, so the best they will do is lip service. Can the TP push through that and field more winning candidacies? I hope so.

The Tuscon crisis took a lot of wind out of Boehner's sails, hopefully just temporarily. And I wouldn't be surprised if that bump in the polls becomes more than a temporary spike. If the economy doesn't start dipping again, Obama's approval numbers will stabilize, because there have been many polls in the last year and a half showing he is well-liked even if his policies aren't.

Thanks for the thoughtful and reasoned response.

I will try and do the same.

First of all, Palin�s rate of successful endorsements hit between 70 to 80% depending on who was counting. And of course, how much help she was to each candidate varied.

At the top of the list, I would put Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina. She was about 20 points behind before Palin rode into town and ahead shortly after Palin rode out.
Haley herself, has given Palin a lot of the credit for her come from behind win.
South Carolina is huge for the Repubs in the primaries and the election.

Bottom line:
The Dems and their man Obama lost a landslide.
The Tea Party and their gal Palin won a landslide.

Hostile interviews are one thing, but 5 minute of bad stuff edited out of several hours of good stuff and the other side always gets their best 5 minutes is a rigged game.
And for some to keep going back to that interview, give no credit for great interviews, and ignore or play down the blunders by the other side is a rigged game.

Sarah has to and will do tough interviews after she declares and joins the race, but then she will have her own team watching her back and there will be better rules when she plays.

As I have OP and opined before, lots of new rules for this next fight and nobody understands them better than Palin.

I agree completely with you about the lack of RINO support for the Tea Party.
That lack of support goes for Palin too, but she is used to that.
In Alaska, the establishment Repubs fought her tooth and nail.
They lost. Palin won.

Obama's approval numbers may always be higher than he deserves. Due to his base support.

But his agenda lost the middle and the election last year and I don�t see how things can improve enough to save him next time. Jobs, jobs, jobs.
It is ironic that what success the Tea Party House can pull off��helps Obama.
But that won�t be enough.
Obama may already be trying to pull a Clinton and move center, but he has further to go then Clinton did.
Hanitty was pimping her again tonight after throwing her softball after softball last night. I fear she will get chewed up and spit out when some real interviewer gets to her. It won't be on Fox and it won't be pretty but it will happen if she runs.

Just because she scores with us Foxfans means absolutely nothing in the Big Picture.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Recess time again for the short bus crowd.

You're giving yourself a time out huh?
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/19/11
Originally Posted by sse
The problem with that half-azzed reasoning is that the current incumbent seems to possess those qualities and look what we've got!

Yeah, "those qualities" are what get people elected. "those qualities" are what got Bammy elected. "those qualities" are what a good conservative candidate needs to get elected. "those qualities" are what Palin doesn't have.

Again, you missed the point either intentionally, or simply because you are unable to grasp simple logic............but whatever!

Let me try again...........baby style:

If Obama possessed the qualities you cite as "necessary to be elected" and he failed miserbly (which he obviously has) then one would have to question whether those "qualities" were the ones that were actually needed wouldn't they?

In other words, if you follow a certain receipe for baking a cake and it turns out tasting like schit, then it's obvious that the receipe is flawed somewhere..........no?

Anyone that would bake another cake using the same receipe would have to be insane wouldn't they?

Insanity: �doing the same thing and expecting different results".

But of course YMMV.........

I don't know how anyone of reasonable intelligence could say BHO has failed; he got most of his legislative agenda passed and still enjoys a near 50% approval rating. His party controls the Senate, the White House, the MSM, and the vast Federal bureaurocracy.

Those who underestimate and belittle their enemy afford him a great advantage.

Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I don't know how anyone of reasonable intelligence could say BHO has failed; he got most of his legislative agenda passed and still enjoys a near 50% approval rating. His party controls the Senate, the White House, the MSM, and the vast Federal bureaurocracy.

Those who underestimate and belittle their enemy afford him a great advantage.

I suppose it depends how you define 'success' doesn't it? Jimmy Carter consider himself one of the most 'successful' presidents ever based on similar agenda.
Some of us (with below average intelligence apparently) consider 'failure' by a president, enacting policies and pushing agendas which damage the country and weaken it's future. Based on that, Barry and Jimmy are both MISERABLE failures! Or very successful failures, again, depending on your preference.
Originally Posted by GeauxLSU
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I don't know how anyone of reasonable intelligence could say BHO has failed; he got most of his legislative agenda passed and still enjoys a near 50% approval rating. His party controls the Senate, the White House, the MSM, and the vast Federal bureaurocracy.

Those who underestimate and belittle their enemy afford him a great advantage.

I suppose it depends how you define 'success' doesn't it? Jimmy Carter consider himself one of the most 'successful' presidents ever based on similar agenda.
Some of us (with below average intelligence apparently) consider 'failure' by a president, enacting policies and pushing agendas which damage the country and weaken it's future. Based on that, Barry and Jimmy are both MISERABLE failures! Or very successful failures, again, depending on your preference.
Damaging America topped both their agendas, so they both succeeded in their presidential goals.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I don't know how anyone of reasonable intelligence could say BHO has failed; he got most of his legislative agenda passed and still enjoys a near 50% approval rating. His party controls the Senate, the White House, the MSM, and the vast Federal bureaurocracy.

Those who underestimate and belittle their enemy afford him a great advantage.

Obama got very little of his agenda passed except for Obamacare and it is doomed.
Cap and trade?
Where are the jobs?
If they don�t find them in the next 18 months, Obama will lose the Senate, the White House, the MSM, and the vast Federal bureaurocracy.

Palin's 38% favorable rating is her lowest (by two percentage points) since she became a well-known political figure after the 2008 Republican national convention, and her 53% unfavorable rating is her worst by a point. Palin has been a central figure in the recent debate over whether political rhetoric -- including hers -- was partly behind the Tucson shootings. Last week, she responded to these allegations by posting a much-publicized video response on the Internet. The recent news has not done much to change Americans' opinions of Palin, though.


At the same time, Palin and Obama, two potential opponents in the 2012 presidential election, are now viewed quite differently by Americans, with Palin generally viewed unfavorably and Obama favorably. Palin's increasingly negative image suggests she would be in a relatively weak position for winning a national election unless opinions of her shift in a more positive direction over the coming year.

Posted By: creasy Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/19/11
" Palin's increasingly negative image suggests she would be in a relatively weak position for winning a national election unless opinions of her shift in a more positive direction over the coming year."

Some where in the Ozarks a Bowsinger weeps.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

She really needs a voice and vocabulary coach and maybe a few more semesters in a decent university.
Yes, clearly. This country would be MUCH better off with someone with the education credentials of... oh... say... heading Harvard's law review? Perhaps being a 'great orator' would be the iciing on the cake? Ah yes... now we're talking! THAT is what we need.
A little less book education and a lot more "common sense" and real world experience would go a long long way to getting this country back on the road to exceptionalism again.
Palin lives!

�Media Curves showed her [Palin] speech to 1,437 self-reported Democrats, Republicans and Independents between January 13-14. Her sincerity, believability, and likeability scores improved after the group of 1,437 self-reported Democrats, Republicans, and Independents viewed her speech.

A new national study among 1,437 self-reported Democrats, Republicans and Independents revealed that Americans indicated that Sarah Palin was more sincere and believable after viewing her speech in response to the shootings in Tucson.
The study was conducted during January 13-14 by HCD Research and reported on its MediaCurves.com� website, to obtain Americans� perceptions of Sarah Palin after viewing a video of a speech she gave in response to the shootings in Tucson.
Respondents were asked to rate Sarah Palin on a scale from 1-7 regarding likeability, believability and sincerity, with 1 representing �not at all strong in this attribute� and 7 representing �extremely strong in this attribute.�
With the exception of likeability among Democrats, Palin�s attribute ratings increased among all parties after viewing her speech. The most notable increase was her sincerity ratings, which increased from 2.62 to 2.69 among Democrats, from 5.25 to 5.45 among Republicans and from 3.68 to 3.85 among Independents.

Here is the raw data. 81% of Republicans and 56% of independents concluded that the speech will help her image and 78% of Republicans and 54% of independents concluded that the speech will help her in a potential presidential run.�

Polls are like streetcars��you can always catch the next one.

Posted By: sse Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/19/11
Let me try again...........baby style:

Sorry, I'm afraid your comments are incoherent.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Polls are like streetcars��you can always catch the next one.


IMO Gallup does a decent job of trying to get it right and for the most part does tell it like it is.

"Tell it like it is, the rest is just opinion."
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Appealing to the Fox crowd is not going to get her much past a primary or two.

Any candidate must appeal to a much larger electorate than those of us who are Foxfans.

�one new rule that Morris throws into the game is FOX News�

�Now, in the Republican primaries, it will be different. The short list of contenders for the nomination will not be chosen in the early primaries. Iowa and New Hampshire will not impose their will on America. America will impose its will on Iowa and New Hampshire. The quarter finals will not be waged in the cornfields of Iowa or the former mill towns of New Hampshire. They will be held in the living rooms of America among the Fox News audience!

The share of the GOP electorate that watches Fox News has become so dominant that the early stages of the Republican nominating process will be held on its air waves. It is there - not in the early morning handshaking at factory gates in Iowa and New Hampshire - that we will meet the candidates and come to choose our favorites. About half of those who call themselves Republicans in the United States report that they watch Fox News every night and two-thirds say they watch it "several times a week or more." 46% of Independents also watch Fox News that frequently. Even 21% of Democrats say they watch several times a week or more.�

Fox News' market dominance among Republicans and Independents was not as evident in 2008 as it is today. Its growth in market share and ratings has been phenomenal. Now its impact is decisive in Republican primaries. In 2012, the Republicans and Independents that will choose the GOP nominee will be found watching O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Shep Smith, Bret Baer, Megyn Kelly, Steve Doocey, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson. It is on their shows that the early narrowing down process will take place. Day after day, we will see all the candidates on Fox News. Not just in debates, but in frequent appearances on the opinion and news shows on the network. We will watch how they handle themselves, we'll learn how they answer questions, and we'll come to our decision. As such, the Republican nominating process will come to resemble American Idol where we watch them perform and vote on who we like the best.

Then, we will tell pollsters who we have come to like and who we don't. They will record our views every few weeks and, through this process, front runners will emerge, candidates will surge, leaders will fall back and the winnowing out will take place.�

I like and respect Morris's opinions and always take them under advisement.

I still stand by my prediction that Romney will be the nominee. I could be wrong but more likely I'll be right.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Palins Speech this morning - 01/19/11
Originally Posted by sse
Let me try again...........baby style:

Sorry, I'm afraid your comments are incoherent.

Well, all I can say is there are smart babies and then there are the stupid ones.........ya' know?

"Here is the raw data. 81% of Republicans and 56% of independents concluded that the speech will help her [Palin's] image and 78% of Republicans and 54% of independents concluded that the speech will help her in a potential presidential run.�

Her image needs a lot of help.

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