As a dedicated hunter for over 60 years, I believe this dentist/bow-hunter broke the Hunter's Credo by allowing the lion to suffered for 40 LONG hours after being shot with an arrow until it was shot dead with a rifle 40 hours later. Incidentally, "40 hours" is over 1.5 days... a VERY long time to suffer great pain.

By doing so, hunter and/or his PH gave the anti-hunting crowd ALL the "ammunition" they needed to create a "problem"... and it's obvious that is EXACTLY what they're doing.

What was apparently done and what apparently happened in this situation isn't how a true sportsmen/hunters operate.

As to the right or wrong of the hunt, it is apparent that this whole situation is hardly a case of a "fair chase" hunt.

So draw your own conclusions. I have.

It's smart to hang around old guys 'cause they know lotsa stuff...