A couple of folks have asked about the boots I was wearing on this hunt. They are Courteneys, made in Zimbabwe but available here in America. My PH has been a spokesmodel for these boots for years, which, if you know John Sharp, says a helluva lot. John is the real deal and he will endorse nothing if he isn't satisfied that it's the best product you can get. Now, sometimes that means he's a bit slow to accept new stuff (like TSX bullets, f'rinstance), but that's small beer.

I bought my Courteneys about 6 weeks before my hunt, on the internet. They sent along a great pair of arch supports that they said would bring their European size more in line with my American size 11 feet, and the combination was superb for comfort and support. I did a lot of walking in these boots prior to my hunt to make sure they fit and were well broken-in, but truthfully they needed very little breaking to fit me perfectly. The boots are VERY quiet in the bush, BTW, something you absolutely MUST have when stalking buffalo.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars