Originally Posted by Mule Deer

I also firmly believe there are people hard-wired for hunting who never know until they get a chance. Eileen’s a perfect example. She didn’t start until her mid-30’s, and it was instant addiction.


That has been my experience as well, only not so much with hunting in particular but with firearms in general. I have found that many of my anti-gun friends have never fired a gun to begin with. So what I do is take them to the range; and while they may not always change their minds, often their rhetoric softens a bit. As a matter of fact, most of them come off the range saying "That was fun! When can we do it again?" It's funny how we can hold strong opinions about things we've never experienced, only to have them changed (or at least softened) once we do.


"An archer sees how far he can be from a target and still hit it, a bowhunter sees how close he can get before he shoots." It is certainly easy to use that same line of thinking with firearms. -- Unknown