Originally Posted by Higbean
I could care less either way. Not really sure why it's an issue. Oh wait, it's the internet. Everything's an issue.

LOL.... You probalby nailed it squarely.

I also could care less either way. If I find a threaded barrel Montana that I want for other reasons such as cartridge choice, the thread protector will remain in place and essentially be ignored.

But since this is the internet, someone who has or wants one tries to tell everyone else that they need one too. It reminds me of Obama's mind set/"persuasive powers" in that what he believes in is what everyone else should believe in. Just ask him.

We all should all be able to decide for ourselves what we want and don't want without helpful influence from total strangers. If Kimber wants to thread barrels, its no skin off of my nose one way or the other, but I don't have the final answer for others nor do I don't plan to push it on them.

It's official. I missed the selfie deadline so I'm Maser's sock puppet because rene and the Polish half of the fubar twins have decided that I am.

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