I no longer shoot for recreation frequently. My hunting country is almost depleted of prairie dogs and there are no other colony dwelling targets.

If I shot targets regularly or if I were shooting volumes of the above mentioned pests, I would be all over a surpressor. For that type shooting, a Montana is not even close to first choice.

I'm old, well stocked with all types of firearms, and would be open to a can on a short barreled rifle - in fact my 16 1/4" Contender .223 actually screams for one - but, not on my 24" FN. I don't even like 30" shotguns with pump or semi actions. Too long! Doubles, ok.

Perhaps I need to go modern however, my ears are already damaged. You younger guys are on to something, if you can live with the looks.



"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society'...to mean ,..living fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero