Back in the early 80's, when I was still caving, I went with another caver to a cave in RockCastle County, Kentucky. This is REAL KY, FYI, not that one near DaNang. What I'm giving you is all I know about this place.

The name of the cave was Hail Cave. It's on the map. We drove to within a couple miles of the place and the road ended at a barrier. We got out and started following a path through the woods.

On the way through the woods, I was warned by the trip leader that we were going to be going through some hairy stuff, and that I should not talk to or look at any of the people I might meet. We could walk through and that was it.

After a while, we came out of the woods into a clearing. There were just about a half-dozen white frame cabins and a small white church. We were on what passed for a road, but it had zero sign of recent traffic. It was composed of sandy ground and grass. There were no vehicles of any kind in sight. The really creepy thing was that there were no people evident; I was told they had all gone and hid.

As we passed the cabins, I heard a door come open, and I looked up briefly and saw a 10 yr old boy in homemade bibs standing in the open door, watching us. Behind him, in the shadows, was a double-barreled shotgun pointed our way. In all the time were were there, I saw nothing that would have indicated we were anywhere except the mid 19th century.

We said nothing. We kept our heads forward and kept going. Within a quarter mile or so we were back in the woods and kept going. There was no sign of any roads leading in or out of the clearing except the path we were following.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer