. . .And while we're on the subject of Kentucky, here are some other places I've been:

From up around me:

Browningsville-- the last people there were a couple that honeymooned there for a week in the 1950's. For a while, there was a black bear living in the basement of the old mill.
Ely-- closest town to me. However, it hasn't shown up on a map since the 1850's.
Neave, KY. -- Things started to go downhill after the stage from Falmouth stopped running.
Bachelor's Rest, KY
Brownings Corner, KY
Hells Half-Acre, KY, south of Falmouth, KY. I went there once and could not find a trace of it, but it still shows up on the Rand McNally.

From my wife's part of the state:
Oz, KY
Yamacraw, KY
Rattlesnake Ridge, KY
And let's not forget the Greater Pine Knot/Revello/Strunk metroplex, your gateway to scenic Stearns-- at least if you're coming up from Oneida, TN. Look out on your right and you may catch a glimpse of Granny Holt's Knob!

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer