Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

It's not the amount of correction that matters.

It the amount of variance in the gusts.

I dropped an antelope in a 40 MPH full value crosswind, but it was dead steady. No gusting, no variation. Dial it in, allow for the spindrift, simple.

I've had some less spectacular results with lower, but more variable wind values.

For here in Minnesota the above applies in spades. It doesn't take a whole lot of elevation change (not that there is much here) or gaps in the trees to funnel the wind through. It's way to variable most of the time to risk it when there are so many deer and dawn/dusk the wind will drop to zero almost all the time. I don't see myself ever going past maybe 150 yards without compelling reason even in what appears to be steady wind. 5 mph can easily be 20 mph or more when it gets squeezed through gaps.