I haven't watched pro football in years and frankly, don't know why anyone would anymore. In the first place, the league is officially anti-cop and pro BLM. Need proof, just look at Beyonce's half-time show at the Super Bowl last year? I've not actually seen it, but I've read descriptions of it and it is blatantly anti-cop and fully vested in BLM. Secondly, the NFL (and the NBA) embrace every left-wing cause out there. Then top that off with the selfish, spoiled and indulged character of most of the players, the fact that the game inflicts permanent physical damage to the participants and you really have to ask yourself why it's even worth supporting.
in any way shape or form.


Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.