Cooper57m: Just when I thought the negroid peoples of the United States of America could NOT degrade themselves any more, along comes colin kaerpernick and does this!
I give up!
I actually think the majority (not ALL, just the MAJORITY!) of Negros in America are selfish, lazy, chip on their shoulders ner'do wells who blame their moral shortcomings (murderous behavior, rampant drug use, incestuous behavior and welfare mentality) on folks in America who do want to make themselves and their country BETTER!
Convoluted thinking this, by the Negros, at best!
Honestly I am about to give up on the whole negroid American population!
And that's a sad thing to say, but its how I feel.
Phhuucckkk colin kaperdink and the whores he rode in with.
I wonder just which African country this mental midget thinks he and his race would be better off in?
Hold into the wind