Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
Cooper57m: Just when I thought the negroid peoples of the United States of America could NOT degrade themselves any more, along comes colin kaerpernick and does this!
I give up!
I actually think the majority (not ALL, just the MAJORITY!) of Negros in America are selfish, lazy, chip on their shoulders ner'do wells who blame their moral shortcomings (murderous behavior, rampant drug use, incestuous behavior and welfare mentality) on folks in America who do want to make themselves and their country BETTER!
I wonder just which African country this mental midget thinks he and his race would be better off in?
Hold into the wind

I agree with you and the others that what he did was unconscionable. But, having lived in one of the blackest cities in the South, Memphis, for 12 years, I got to hire, work with and be associated (through our restaurants)with thousands of black people. Yes many of them are what you said, but the vast majority of Blacks in America are really good people that love this country. Do they have a different value system than other races of American's, yes I believe they do. But that said...one of the happiest days of life came when we sold our house and got to move out of Memphis and that is because even if the bad blacks only represent 10% of the total black population, that is a very high number. And, that 10% is everything you said and then some.