Originally Posted by bigwhoop
You know what, fake hawkeye, no one cares that you are pointing out inconsistencies along the way. The bottom line is that the queen b---- is not in the WH. Trump has chosen one SCOTUS and will likely do two more. That alone changes the Country for at least a generation.
You don't understand that you can't take him literary as per the norm. But you can bust your ass trying to be critical but you'll have very few takers here.
You'll get much better reception over on the HuffPo, where morons hang out.

I think we are all glad about the SCOTUS stuff and Hillary not being POTUS.

But to TRH's point, to sell yourself as a nationalist w/o globalist tendencies then reverse course almost instantly- and for what?!*- is pretty lame. Some of us here care deeply about that issue- I'm one. So if he's just another global-cop MIC ball-washer there's one of his potential positives down the tubes.

* for what, you ask? Plain as the new sun rising why he hit Syria. To distract the population from the Russian penetration of his campaign, to horn up the guys who think any use of the military is AWESOME, and to give he and Putin something to act mad at each other about.

And that is why the Russian collusion matters. Until we know conclusively how deep it goes we can't trust a thing the lying sack of [bleep] says or does on the global stage.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two