Worst smells I can remember.

1. In the Civil Air Patrol, we hunted for a plane crash for about 3 weeks in the Sacramento Mtns.. When we found it, the bodies were more than ripe.
2. A friend of mine in college got a job driving a rendering truck. He asked me to help one weekend. We drove out to a ranch and winched up 3 dead cows to take back to the rendering plant. All three of these cows could have been a stand in for the "touch a dead cow" scene in the movie Summer of 42. If we hadn't been desperate for money, No Way!!
3. I was barreling down a west Texas ranch road and topped a little hill, to find a congress of vultures just on the other side. They lifted off the road, but one lowered it's head and puked right on my windshield and into the fresh air vent. I will take dead bodies and rotted cows everyday before I will willing smell vulture puke again.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost....