Yeah I tried to keep it relatable and uncomplicated, but 30 rounds isn’t easy to remember either.

My idea was that at 100 yards it’s good to get a round in the torso. Distance gives you options and time and if you can get a round somewhere on the bad guy that may be enough to give you more time to utilize more options.

At 50 yards a single shot may be all you get, but it’s close enough that you may need it to be solid hit and it’s reasonable for lost people to get that 8” hit at 50.

At 25 you definitely ought to be able to make that 8” shot and it definitely may be needed. 25 yards is real life gun fighting distance and you may need multiple hits right quick to get it over with.

The 7 yard single shots are a test of CNS head shot ability and knowing - remembering your offset. The 5 round group requires some visual patience to not get too aggressive. It also mimics punching through a barrier or armor, or multiple torso hits at 25ish.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling