Originally Posted by Barak

Furthermore, if you have enough knowledge to know all the consequences of all the choices, then all your free will is gone: you have no realistic choice other than to choose the option that will lead you most expeditiously to your objective.

I have always maintained the exact opposite..... well, you're right but I would say not "gone" but irrelevant.

Free Will implies knowing all, IMHO. I believe that on earth we each possess a degree of "Free Will". Our journey is to acheive the greatest knowledge which leads to greater freedom of choice. How are you free to choose when only a few in a group of many options is known. Jesus had Free Choice, everyone else... not so much.

In Heaven there is no division of good and evil. The yin/yang are united. The concept would not apply there. The physical world works via the breakup of the whole, division of the Singularity, etc., etc..