Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
Originally Posted by derby_dude

It bugs me because of how the Church treats women. I admit that since Vatican Council II women have been treated better especially in the Catholic Church. The Church has attempted to take the Goddess out of the Bible and Gospels. Thankfully, many Christian women scholars have started to right a wrong. To most Christians Eve is still the bad guy.

Once again your ignorance of Christianity shines. Christianity gives women freedoms unheard of in other religions. The NT set women free. The Jews at that time would cross the street to avoid walking by a woman. When Jesus talked to the woman at the well, he broke all kinds of rules concerning contact with women. Paul talks about how women should conduct themselves in church. Hey, the women WERE IN CHURCH. They weren't allowed in a synagogue, they weren't allowed in most of the temple, they're severely restricted in mosques, most pagan religions treat them like cattle. Christianity brings them right to the alter of God.

Well let's clear a few things up.

1. Yes, in early Christianity women were the fastest growing members of Christianity. Once Rome entered the picture and made Christianity the official religion of Rome (Roman Catholic Church) that all ended.

2. I'll admit my view point of Christianity is clouded by my conservative Roman Catholic up bring (pre-Vatican Council II). I'll also admit that there are two Christianities, Catholic and Protestants. The divide to day between the two groups is not nearly as great as it was in my day. Protestants and Catholics could not marry without permission from the local Bishop. All children had to be brought up Catholic. You could not even go to a Protestant funeral without permission from the Bishop. If you attempted to do any of these things on your own you risked excommunication from the Church.

3. You know less about Pagans than I do about Christianity. All Pagan religions of Western culture are female centered. Some Pagan religions exclude male participation. All Pagan religions of Western culture follow some type of spiritual path of the Goddess.

Sorry, I had to leave and give the Boss the computer. Hey, he lets me play on here so when he wants his toy back he gets it. grin

When I talk about Western culture Pagan religions I'm talking primarily Celtic paths of one type or another. There is a small following of the North (Viking) paths.

All these paths are female and Goddess centered and men learn real fast that if they choose to follow these paths with their Ladies, the man is the Lady's help mate NOT the other way around. This is not to imply that men are treated badly or are hen-pecked on the contrary. I find I am much freer and more equal under a Goddess centered spiritual path than I ever was under God centered spiritual path.

Hope this helps to clear things up a little bit.

Last edited by derby_dude; 02/03/09.

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