Originally Posted by Brad
My question is how in the heck do you get 3K with a 150 in the 270 Win's 23" tube

Mac, how's this fittin the conversation? (really I think I know so never mind)

But being as you asked we'll take this thread for a slight detour. I guess if you work with enough 270's and with enough tubes sooner or later you'll find a quick footed bugger that'll do something like that. The one you're talking about of mine would do it with a book load of R22 and 150 Nozlers. I sure wouldn't be for counting on one doing it very darn often but I've seen it personally once and have a couple of buds who have done it b4 as well.

A fella will see fast tubes, and one will see slow tubes is my way of looking at this gack.

"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy