I/we used to get handmade lineboots thirty years ago and we paid around $300 for them then. We did that because we needed the quality and experience that goes into an excellent handmade boot, to get the job done every day without our feet breaking down.
As manlift equipment took over some of the climbing, we were able to go to better-quality factory boots because we weren't demanding as much from them. The good Danners with gore-tex became prevalent.
When I retired as a foreman, I wore 8" cheapies, and carried my linebots in the truck bin for when I needed them. grin
I know some guys like Wesco boots, but I never got the support or life out of them that I got out of a boot like a Harvey Nelson, White, or Buffalo. I never had any Currin & Green line boots, but I heard they were great, also. I've got a pair of their calks that have lasted through about 30 years of casual use.
I've got a pair of Nick's boots I got at Drew's in K-Falls, Or. They will outlast me. They're just built better, out of better stuff.

I saw a movie where only the military and the police had guns. It was called Schindler's List.