JJ. Its my expert opinion in the matter that ones feet would be far worse off than the Whites, should such a drunken mishap occour.

The Whites will take the heat, where any plain old shoe will melt and get gooey on your feet in about a half hour. The Cheapy Whites I have now, I wore on the Dryers the last year and a half I was over there. I stood on dryer floors on a plug-up about once a week on average for at least a half hour at a time. I'd been on two monster plug-ups that ran over 8 hours, but after that much time everythings well under 200 degrees inside the big ovens, and even Nikes can take that...

Loved that movie with Mike... Except Whites make you want to stomp Hippies

I'm Irish...

Of course I know how to patch drywall