I have two and have had another previously. The pro's are pretty much undisputed: accurate with an accuracy guarantee, light weight, a bolt feed so smooth you'll check to see if a round was really chambered, supplied scope mounts, great trigger out of the box and easily adjusted if you wish it lighter, comparatively low cost for those attributes.

Cons are subject to personal opinion but the most frequently heard are the amount of synthetic material (plastic) in construction, clip fed, can't load mag without removal from the gun (you may hear that you can't single load using the ejection port: that is not true), made outside the USA, rusting of rough finished stainless, high cost of replacement mags.

I'd add I like the balance and way it comes to shoulder. I also like the versatility of scope mounting with the receiver grooves as well as D&T'd.

They're nice rifles. You should try one and find out for yourself.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.