Well I'm not to crazy about RCMP but I'm impressed by their support for each other. I'd rather see the injection centers in Vancouver and the free dope supplied cut off,and all the welfare mongrels that abuse the system shutdown rather than to cut this expense for tax payers. It is a worthy expense for people that put their lives on the line to serve and to protect. I've been beaten, dragged up stairs, pepper sprayed a few times and spent a few nights in the drunk tank but you know, now that I'm a little older I probably deserved it. I see them on the roads tending to accident victims with cars whizzing by a 60 miles an hour and it's freezing cold out there, but there doing the job, and I wouldn't want it. Struggling with dope heads,and social disorder. Hats off and my sympathy to the families of the fallen officer.

It is better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6.