I'm a civilian. A good friend of the family was killed in the line of duty (Philly PD) around Thanksgiving 2008. It was an honor to attend his funeral.

It was unlike anything I have ever experienced. The awesome outpouring of respect and genuine compassion for Tim was indescribable. The Mayor and Police Comissioner spoke genuinely about him (and I don't care for either man, politically).

The rank and file of Police (and other departments) officers that came out to pay respects.

They closed the Interstate for the procession...it was strange and surreal to be driving on it with no one on it. Except at every overpass and every on-ramp, *citizens* were holding signs and flags and shedding genuine tears of mourning for Tim.

Motorcycle "gangs" lined up their bikes and held up American flags along the procession route. Crane companies raised their huge booms up over the roadway to hang enormous American Flags.

I still tear up, thinking about it.

Was Tim worth all the pomp and circumstance? Damn right. He was a pain in the ass at times. However, he was a cop who took his job very seriously. He came from a long line of cops...all dedicated to their jobs.

However, that's only because I knew him. The ceremony and everything related was not only for him, but for the people he protected could show their support, respect, sympathy and to mourn.

I do know that the PBA paid for a lot in support of his family. I also know that many paid their respects on their own dimes.


"Bambi's Good Eatin'!"
- Me

"...Somewhere, there are Brownings in a two-hand hold,
Cocked and locked, one up the spout..."
- Jethro Tull