Mr. Faucett. I am hoping you do NOT in any way modify the Osa Johnson rifle. It's value is in who it belonged to and its condition in the shape it was when she owned it ANY, modification will destroy the collector value of it. If you even just drill and tap it, you have reduced it from being a collectible, interesting, rifle, for which you have what is called providence, to just another sporterized milirary mauser, worth about $295.00 at most gun shows. If you doubt this, go find the Mauser collectors site and ask there. I hate to see a wonderful firearm like this destroyed, values wise, by modifying it in any way. If you can't use it the way it is, either keep it for bragging rights, or sell it to someone who'll appreciate it. I hope you receive this before you do any modifications to the rifle. Modifications are like virginity, once taken, or in this case, done, can't be fixed, and destroys the value of the rifle.
