Originally Posted by Folically_Challenged
Originally Posted by jim62
"Boy, that free market sure is a b!tch. Capitalism used to be a foundation of the American Way. When we get outdone by the competition, I guess we're supposed to settle for Patriotism.


Yep and so is a dose of common sense. Rather than acting like a lemming jumping off a cliff.

That's my whole point..

There is no proof on this thread that the "competition" has outdone anyone here.

Nobody has shown me any proof on this thread that the Vortex Diamondback is REALLY any "better" than any equivlent Redfeild model.

A lot of vague, anecdotal talk and apples to oranges comparions but nothing solid.

The "proof" being offered is that the posters have voted with their dollars. Please feel free to vote with yours as you see fit, but don't take it personally if others don't.


Thats' fine, they can buy/own whatever they want.

But, If you own ONLY the Vortex , does THAT automatically make you an authority on the new Redfields even if you have never even looked though one??

To all gunmaker critics-
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.."- Teddy Roosevelt