Electric heat cost about double than what fuel oil does.It is triple what natural gas cost.At least here in Colorado.To say the NE should switch to electric heat shows a very nieve assessemnt of the problem. Everyone says to switch to electric cars,but no on ever admits to what it takes to produce electric to charge them with. Wind turbine and solar isn't going to cut it.

I'd like to see every oil well sunk that could be both on and off shore. But the enviornmantalist are not ever going to let that happen.Thier position to solve the problem is to let gas rise to $10 a gal and then people will stop using it.

China and India will suck up every gal of oil that the US does not buy and in the future it wil get worse.Supply will never meet the demand. Most are basing the figures on what is used today,but deny themselves the thought that in a short time the population will double what it is now.

If God wanted you to walk and carry things on your back, He would not have invented stirrups and pack saddles