Just a geology problem, fellas, nothing to see here....

The United States Department of Energy estimates that ANWR oil production between 2018 and 2030 would reduce the cumulative net expenditures on imported crude oil and liquid fuels by an estimated $135 to $327 billion (2006 dollars), reducing the foreign trade deficit.

What's $300 billion dollars kept in the U.S. instead of the Middle East? We're all just one big happy global family, right?

USGS estimates 10.4 BILLLION bbls in ANWR. That's more than the U.S. consumes in an entire year, yet the "pinkos" claim there is nothing we can do.....

Reminds me of the scene from Goodfellas....

"We had a problem.
We tried to do everything we could.
You know what I mean.....we couldn't do nothing about it."

Geology, fellas.... fahghetaboutit....

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