
"Adequate" is adequate.. isn't it..?

When one has to gloat in numbers of rifle/cartridge combinations beyond "adequate" as some sort attempt to demean a different cartridge that IS adequate, then I have to wonder if it is because of their inability in the field that is lacking or if its driven by their attempt to stroke their own ego for reasons of other insecurities.


Once one gets beyond "adequate" does he have something that is "better" than adequate..?

If so, than "better" at what..?

-Better at raising the sound decibels and promoting hearing damage..? Yup.
-Better at causing more damage to the animal than necessary and wasting otherwise edible meat.? Yup.
-Better at...."(Go ahead, fill in the blank)"

The 250-300 is adequate and always will be, that makes it "Darling."

"I'd rather have an Army of Asses led by a Lion, than an Army of Lions led by an Ass." (George Washington)