Originally Posted by CCCC
Boxer: Life teaches us that only the most ignorant, weak, defensive and shameless resort to such filthy language and derogation. To the politely discriminate, often there is a big difference between what one CAN state and what one CHOOSES to state , just as there is a big difference between having a worthwhile discussion and draining a sewer. Why would one cast even a tiny pearl before the vulgar,vapid and ill-intentioned? You now get zero attention.


Life states simply,that a dumbphuck spinning her wheels for 30yrs will still remain well shy of attaining her first clue. Congratulations?

Your version of "Physics" is [bleep] hilarious,as is every other delusion you proffer. It seems you are more than a wee bit comfy talking out your ass,undoubtedly due to the decades of practice you've amassed.

Bless your heart.