Originally Posted by Boxer
Originally Posted by CCCC
Boxer: Life teaches us that only the most ignorant, weak, defensive and shameless resort to such filthy language and derogation. To the politely discriminate, often there is a big difference between what one CAN state and what one CHOOSES to state , just as there is a big difference between having a worthwhile discussion and draining a sewer. Why would one cast even a tiny pearl before the vulgar,vapid and ill-intentioned? You now get zero attention.


Life states simply,that a dumbphuck spinning her wheels for 30yrs will still remain well shy of attaining her first clue. Congratulations?

Your version of "Physics" is [bleep] hilarious,as is every other delusion you proffer. It seems you are more than a wee bit comfy talking out your ass,undoubtedly due to the decades of practice you've amassed.

Bless your heart.


Seeings how this is now your key word to extoll your brilliance, maybe you can answer some simple questions in a vernacular common to this country, and not just SlickeyStickey mentality.

1. Do you use the G1, or G7 model when calculating B.C., or do you use the McDrag algorithim to calculate the actual bullet B.C due to topographical and atmospheric conditions of the region and bullet being used at the time.

2. What is the Mangus effect, and what does it do to a bullet in flight, and what algorithim would one use to figure this.

3. What is the poisson effect, and what effect does it have on a bullets flight, and the algorithim to prove it.

4. Coriolis drift, what causes this, and what effect does it have on a bullet in flight. There is also an algorithim for this.

5 Lastly how does Optical physics enter into the equation of variables to the actual bullets POI.

And no I dont know how to pour pizz from a boot, as I dont have to squat to use this function. But as you do, I would guess you have alot of experience on the subject and can put up a you tube to show us how its done.

