Originally Posted by las
Originally Posted by elkhunter_241
During archery season dont leave your sidearm at camp, no matter how heavy it is.

I only did this twice in a 20 year span and as luck would have it, I ran into a bear both times, the second one got the point across REAL well, it was a grizzly at 15 feet.

Obviously - you didn't need it, and it might have gotten you into trouble if you'd had it...

Ive had other encounters while armed and didnt "get into trouble" with those. In this case I got lucky, very lucky and will not expect to get so lucky again.

I have said time and again, the best bear defense is your brain, eyes and ears backed up by a weapon you can shoot well.

While you may feel otherwise, I have my preferences and will continue to use them as I see fit.

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
- Abraham Lincoln, the Rail Splitter from Illinois.