Originally Posted by T_O_M
I agree with you .. once the kinks are worked out.

However, I haven't seen a blued, 4-5/8" barreled .45 blackhawk with a tall enough front sight in about 2 years. If you go that route, expect some down time to send it back to the factory.

Or send it out to a custom pistol smith and replace the factory front sight with a custom one with pinned blades so you can swap them out as you change loads. This is the way I am heading with my next 5 1/2 inch SS blackhawk. The above mentioned Jim Stroh would be high on the list of smiths for the work, as would John Gallagher and David Clements.

Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool !!

"Keep your booger hook off the bang switch until your sights are on the target".