Eyeball: Well, I was only nineteen, just short of twenty, when we got married, she had just graduated from the local high school (nowdays I think that might have been the local wh... house), she was blonde and extremely well built and beautiful! Me, I was horny and young, dumb and. .. well, you know the rest! Now, the other three that came after her all lasted longer; each one did, really! Found out, though, it don't count addin' all those years together! Naw! I've been told each one is a different case! Oh, well, it's been one hell of a fine ride 'til the last one got tired of my arse. Now, it's just peace (NO! NOT piece!)and quiet and my little piece of a dog (Shih Tzu). No naggin', no questions, no bull [bleep], etc. but I sure do, at times, wish I could have kept #2 around for keeps. Just had trouble findin' women who were "happy at home"; OUR HOME! The last three all told me the same thing as they went out the door, "You're never around when I need you. You're always at work!" Well, I was but I thought I was doing right! Oh, well, live and learn. To old now to learn much.

Last edited by Darrel; 05/18/12.