Originally Posted by woofer
If you were a woman and raped, what would you do? IF you did not have a choice, what direction would you go? Who are you as a person and are you responsible/emotionally strong enough to not only HANDLE being raped, beaten, violated and god knows what else but now you find out your giving birth. How's that going to affect you in the 8th grade? Can you finish high school? Bummer about your college plans. Hope there is someone who can carry you and your newborn through those BUMPY spots.

Hmmmm. Went from planning a semester abroad to being raped, beaten, pregnant, childbirth, motherhood and enough emotional torment to last 20 lifetimes plus 10 more. I am glad I am not a woman and have no interest in making a choice for her. But I believe it should be their choice. If they are not responsible enough to raise a child out of choice then all bets are off on the welfare of the child thrust upon them....



First of all, take all the motherhood and child-raising elements out of your argument, because there are plenty of folks out there who are eager to adopt babies conceived from rape or incest. No new mother, at least in the United States, is under any obligation to raise a baby she doesn't want.

Second, your emotional torment to last 30 lifetimes is a bit overblown, I think. Arguments depending on a surfeit of drama for their force tend to be bad arguments.

Third, whatever amount of emotional torment is involved in being raped and impregnated must be exceeded by the amount of emotional torment involved in being raped and impregnated and then choosing to murder your own baby. That's not a small thing: I know personally women who have had abortions and then been horrified at themselves in later life.

Okay...now what was your argument again?

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain--that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." --Lysander Spooner, 1867