As a Christian, I don't believe preservation of human life is the paramount virtue

I was trying to speak philosophically and leave religion out of it, and preservation of (innocent) human life is A paramount virtue. Sweeping generality of course. Suppose I can't help but be influenced by my religious belief that as an absolute truth the taking of an innocent human life is never justified even if the consequences are disturbing. ("Innocent" in that context is yet another interesting question.)

"incumbent upon society" is indeed an awkward phrase. I think I mean to say that virtues (truths) should apply universally, not only concerning one's self. (This can devolve into a discussion of absolutism versus relativism.) One's influence in the development of society (government) is an extension of one's ability to promulgate that virtue. And if it is held as a truth one would be negligent not to do so, and not faithful to his beliefs.

Note this is confined to truths in the philosophical sense, not judgement calls which make up the great bulk of governmental action.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.