Originally Posted by Plinker
Originally Posted by high_country_
You guys that think raped women should be forced to carry the baby.....would you offer up your wife to save another woman the torment? I thought not.

Instead, you would execute the child for the crime of it's father. That's barbaric.

I hope you never have to deal with the aftermath of rape.....and were anyone to tell my loved ones how they had to decide their lifes fate, god help them.

Wow is all I can say. It's barbaric to allow a woman to choose how her life will be after rape, but not to force her to live the memory for all time......yikes.

This is what makes America, America.

Originally Posted by BrentD

I would not buy something that runs on any kind of primer given the possibility of primer shortages and even regulations. In fact, why not buy a flintlock? Really. Rocks aren't going away anytime soon.