I think it was St. Augustine who said:

"The world is a safe judge".

Along that line of thinking,most folks just "know" that - biology,philosophy, and religions be damned - there IS a difference between a first term abortion and one performed [or allowed ] later.

The idea that the abortion question MUST be resolved along a clear black/white line is a huge departure from our way of looking at other events culminating in the death of a person.We have laws ranging from "justifiable homicide" to "capital murder",with many other definitions in between.

We don't say that ALL homicide is wrong,but some is more wrong than others.

We [ St. Augustine's "world" ] say some is justified,and some is not.

Making exceptions for rape,incest,and the mother's PHYSICAL health makes sense to most folks....... me included.

BTW...I DID read all the posts in this thread before posting,so I know I'm at odds with some guys whose opinions I don't differ with lightly.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place