Sorry if this is filled with redundancies, probably already all covered. I had to pull this thread back up and see where it went. 3 pages left to read.
Originally Posted by woofer
If you were a woman and raped, what would you do? IF you did not have a choice, what direction would you go? Who are you as a person and are you responsible/emotionally strong enough to not only HANDLE being raped, beaten, violated and god knows what else but now you find out your giving birth. How's that going to affect you in the 8th grade? Can you finish high school? Bummer about your college plans. Hope there is someone who can carry you and your newborn through those BUMPY spots.

Hmmmm. Went from planning a semester abroad to being raped, beaten, pregnant, childbirth, motherhood and enough emotional torment to last 20 lifetimes plus 10 more.

Shouldn't a mother's love for her child, her own flesh and blood, outweigh her loath for the child's sire? Cannot she set aside past torment?

By this reckoning.....

How many young unwed mothers hate their x-boyfriend/baby-daddy?
How many x-wives hate their x?
Do they take it out on their child?

Yes. Some do, I'm sure, to a degree.
But how many to the point of killing the child? or even just wishing it dead?

I'd rather it be wished I were dead than be.

"Who are you as a person and are you responsible/emotionally strong enough to not only HANDLE being raped, beaten, violated and god knows what else but now you find out your giving birth."
I can't answer with 100% certainty, of course, because I"m not a woman, but they're two completely separate experiences... 3/4 of a year apart.

I understand sex is the cause of pregnancy.
I understand rape can give rise to hatred.
but DAYUM.

Was either the child's fault?
Has he any guilt in the situation?
Does guilt increase as he goes through life?

I understand, the child was not conceived out of love.
Neither was the child of a promiscuous young woman.
In many cases, neither was the child of a married couple now divorced, but rather lust.

The child didn't ask for any of it.
Knew nothing about it.
Didn't understand it.
Wasn't even present.

In every case, it has nothing to do with the child and the child has nothing to do with it.

No fault. Guiltless.
Unassociated and unaware.
Picture........ perfect.......... innocence.

Just........... dayum.

Seems to me mature people can draw lines of separation.
Even immature ones know right from wrong. Guilt from innocence.

Life from death.

One of the hallmarks of immaturity is selfishness.
Could any human act be more selfish?

Don't want to be inconvenienced?
Expect difficulty facing potential future reminders?

Just can't live with yourself with an old memory in there?

Hell, even hopeless street urchin doomed to a meager existence is better than dead.

I know which I'd prefer.
And I know which I'd rather not be haunted with all the rest of my days.
And where oh where IS that instinctive mother's love?


"When is penguin season, daddy? I wanna go kill a penguin!"
---- 4 yr old Archerhuntress