Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Look. We got just about half the votes for president. Actually, nothing has changed. Obama is still president--with fewer votes than in 2008. The House is still solid Republican. The Republicans screwed up the Senate only because of the incredible ineptitude of their Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Stop blaming everything on the Mexicans. Most Mexican American citizens are socially conservative, have religious and family values, and are reasonably capitalistic. They are OUR kind of people. So stop bashing them. I don't mean the illegals who don't vote anyway. Actually, their numbers have declined because the economy has caused some of them to return to Mexico. The Republicans should convert the Mexicans.

Is that so hard to think about? I remember the solid (Democratic) South!!

Same with the blacks. Yes, there are a lot of black welfare bums. But how many are decent people like us? 30%, 50%, 90%? Whatever the number, it's enough to have turned the election toward Romney. (Besides, are 90% of whites decent people?)

And stop the gay-bashing. Do you know any gays? I do. Most of them are pretty nice people. Who cares if a state recognizes a gay civil union as marriage? Hell, marriage within a religion, which is different, still requires both sexes. And heterosexual marriage itself is getting pretty tattered with all the divorces now.

We've got a lot in common with most of the people in all these groups.

Now as for us "righteous" upstanding white American middle class people, did you know that 3,000,000 fewer REGISTERED REPUBLICANS voted for Romney than had voted for McCain? That would have been enough to turn the race.

Rich white guys? Did you know that a poll at the Harvard Business School, the "West Point of Capitalism" that turns out all these Wall Street types including Mitt Romney, was 65% for Obama!!! 65%!!

The Republicans need to go there and ask them why. That should be their first stop. Then they can ask the Mexicans. Hell, their own Mexican politicians can ask the other Mexicans.

You ain't a gonna get votes by calling the voters "beaners."

Did the Republicans turn the "solid South" around by calling people "redneck hillbillies?"

And abortion? I'm sorry. I don't like it any more than the rest of you but any damned idiot who brays about pregnancy from rape being a gift from God, or claims that a woman can prevent pregnancy from rape by willing it so, had no business being in my political party, let alone the US Senate.

So let's stop wailing and get to work. Dammit, we're almost there.

Note: I am not suggesting we change our principles but that we reach out to the people who, increasingly, will determine the outcomes and show them why they are better off voting conservative.

And Romney ran a damned poor campaign. Let's face it. G.W. Bush was a pretty incompetent president (I voted for him too) but Romney never told the voters how he would differ.

And this talk of relocating to another country is just foolish drivel. Let's get to work.

There's a lot to agree with in your post but you're dead wrong on this ...

So let's stop wailing and get to work. Dammit, we're almost there.