Look at the map that shows every county of the country, and which ones went red or blue. Basically a handful of areas determined the election results. You will never get these counties to vote Republican. The only real strategy Republicans have is to win every possible voter they can in swing states by getting huge voter turn out. If this stategy is successful they can win, but even then it will be a fairly tight victory. However, a blatantly biased media and Hollywood celebrites make this very difficult, especially considering the Dancing with the Stars and welfare mentality of many Americans today.

The problem is that in order to win Republicans have to have an unbelievable good candidate who performs an exemplary job campaining, and even then this candidate will win by the slimmest of margins. The Democrats do not have to perform at this level to win. They can have a weak sub-par candidate and still win. So, a marginal Democrat candidate usually will usually beat good Republican candiate.

Conclusion: Republicans can win, though it will not be often or by large margins, and an occassional victory by the smallest of margins will not bring the country back to the center, let alone to the right, and Rebublicans will continue to lose ground over time.

Last edited by okbowman; 11/11/12.