Now that you guys are mostly irate at me, I gotta tell you: I agree with most of you, even chlinstructor.

But the point is, what are we gonna do about it?

We just nominated arguably the best candidate since Reagan and lost. But he didn't lose by much, even though he ran a milque-toast campaign. How come he didn't know (after funning in 2008) that nowadays you've gotta release your tax returns?

The Romney ground campaign here in Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Cleveland), was about the most inept thing I've seen. I know. I participated. In the last week, some of "our" guys, like Dick Morris and the head of the Tea Party, were explaining how it would be a Romney landslide. Shows how ridiculously out of touch they were. They even said Pennsylvania was tipping to Romney. I know. I sent money to help tip it.

So you don't like what I say? Well, I don't like a lot of it either. But, chlinstructor and everyone else, what is YOUR solution. You can't just get to be a smaller minority every year.

And nobody suggests we out-giveaway the Libs. We tell some of their voters why it's in their interest to adapt some of our ideas.

And what's all this about losing hope? We're in a lot better shape--and I mean a LOT better--than after 2008. If this worthless bum screws up the economy as badly during the next four years as in the last four, and we take just a few lessons from 2012, we'll have him.

And he won't be able to blame everything on Bush.

Oh. Just one more thing. I don't appreciate terms like "Jewnited Auto Workers," eyeball. Two of my family members were staunch Republicans and Christians who were in the UAW. And as for the Jews, the Israeli Air Force is right now the only thing standing between you and a nuclear Iran. Hussein (quaint name, that) is trying to throw them under the bus. If it comes to that, I stand with Israel, not Hussein.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.