Originally Posted by 700LH
What part of "illegal" don't you understand Indy?

I guess I don't understand your question, 700LH.

I understand it's illegal to give hundreds of guns to Mexican drug cartels and get 300 people, including some Americans, killed.

When Obama asked for help, the Navy Seals went and killed bin Laden. When the Seals asked for help in Benghazi, Obama let them twist in the wind. If that's not illegal, it should be.

I understand that breaking immigration laws is illegal. But you don't enforce them by denouncing someone's aunt and uncle. After all, they don't want to live under a government run by Mexicans, just like we don't. You enforce the laws by fining employers for breaking them.

Unfortunately, some of the things that disgust me the most ARE legal. Basically, the whole DEPENDOCRACY. But the only way to change them is to get 50.01% of the vote. That's why I think we should concentrate on getting the vote. We don't have to try to out-democrat the libs. We just have to convince about 2% more that we're better.

And we can't wait until September, 2016, to start like Romney did in Ohio this time.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.