Me and "the boys" were shot at with a shot gun when we stirred up the WRONG [bleep] BEES NEST when we were about 10. Dude started with a cup of water, then a pitcher, then the double barrels came out the window. Both barrels blazed at our running azzes. We were literally stirring up the bees, and [bleep] up the side of the guys shed in the process.

We deserved it, and didn't dare "report" the guy, lest we got a real azz beating from pops, which we also deserved... kinda wish other kids learned the same lessons earlier in life. Don't [bleep] with other peoples stuff, especially if they're nucking futts.

"Your range of experience runs that gamut from A to B, plus you're a nitwit. That's a hard combination to overcome, though some people try." - JB