Been following this thread. Larry, I know your trying to make a living but your constant hawking of Shankster's hunts gets old quick. I can appreciate you supporting your livelihood but your opinion is obviously biased. I think alot of folks believe Shankster is the poster child for outfitters exploiting, over hunting and abusing the resources in the name of the all mighty dollar. Just because a guy can take 10 to 15 hunters a year doesn't mean he should. I noticed you removed the name you had posted as the outfitter proposing regulation changes. If it was who I think it was, I know him to be an honest and honorable guide who has an impeccable reputation. If he thinks something is not right then his opinion is good enough for me. If you would, please post your true numbers of hunters taken on your sheep and moose hunts versus animals actually taken. I know you have had several unsuccessful hunt there yourself taking multiple trys to get your animal. If the hunts you try to sell were more successful, maybe you wouldn't have to push them so hard or often. Good hunts sell themselves. I see you offering them on nearly every hunting forum on the net. Oh and have a happy holiday.