
I got the Sports Afield today in the mail. The hunt took place in 2008. The hunt took place "in the area Tom Shankster has been working since 1986". The hunter was Sara Brandenburg who was entering her Freshman year of high school. This made her 14 at the time of the hunt. As I mentioned earlier, she hunted with Bob Graham as her guide.

She harvested the only legal sheep they saw, which was barely legal (looks similar to the posting about the legality of a ram last week on here). There were 9 hunters in camp and only 2 got rams. Weather was not an issue on the hunt.

Success rate of 22%? Only $14,800 for a sheep hunt? Too bad you are out of sheep hunts for this coming year. I might have to jump all over that. Those stats are pretty hard to beat.

If anyone wants a copy of the article, I am happy to send it to you.

You never answered the question raised about how many hunters go through your camp and the actual success rate. You told how many sheep were harvested but that doesn't mean anything if you got 10 sheep out of 45 hunters hunting sheep.

If Tom tells the unsuccessful hunters they can come back for free, I wonder how many of the 7 unsuccessful hunters from the article actually took him up on the offer. There is a saying "throwing good money after bad". I wonder if that's applicable to Tom's offers to unsuccessful clients.

P.S. I tried to edit my post from 11/29 to reflect the changes after rereading the article but it won't let me do so. It's not like a 22% rate is much better than what I initially posted. She was 14, not 13 like I initially thought.

Last edited by kscowboy01; 12/10/13.