I often wonder if I had decided to order the Remington 700 KS SS .280 back in the early 90's how much money it would have saved me over the years?

I lusted over one of those for a couple of years, but just couldn't quite ante up that much money while in college. I ended up with a Ruger boat paddle 7mm mag for 400, vs the 1000.00 for the KS. Ruger treated me well for many years and won't ever be sold, but it also lead to the purchase of probably a dozen other deer rifles in search of the perfect rifle. Still looking and I've got several to choose from.

Two favorites presently in the same are a Rem Mtn. Guide 7mm-08 and a Montana 280 ai. The Montana hasn't been hunted with yet, so the jury is still out. Thinking it's a keeper though.

Life is just one damned thing after another