You are one way up on me if you can shoot shotguns well.

I SUCK with them. Rarely breaking more than 50% on hit/miss.

Though this fall I did take a 6 duck limit with 9 shots, and 2 of those were to try to help a friend finish a high cripple and both missed... I was impressed with my LUCK that day.

I"m dealing with sight already, almost at 50. Of course I couldn't see to start with very well at age 16 or so... Shot a 16 inch wide nice 8 point one morning, we could shoot does... I never saw the antlers... until I walked up on it... Heck I remember getting about 30 yards out and thinking, something is funny about that deer...

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....