they dont just not care about state law but also fed law as Its not just state law but federal law that forbids the transporting of livestock across state lines without proof of health certificates and identification . This is also folded in with brand inspection requirements for both state and federal laws . Look up Title 9 of the federal code. The fed also allows states to enact more stringent laws under that same code . then you have the whole AWA act which requires all manor of conditions for transpertation livestock .
So as to protect us all from the spread of disease. So was not only the BLM going to disregard all that but even if they moved the cattle to a sale yard within the state ,THEY would have to have provided the documentation that their animals complied with inoculations . Since they had none for their herd . IE it wasn�t Bundy�s herd any longer , then either the tax payer would have had to pay for all the tests OR they would have had to take Bundy back to court and forced the release of his records for the herd .
Also Im just guessing here but since the herd would also have been sold in Navada the fed would then have to have complied with state livestock sale requirements.
If they killed them , that�s also covered under title 9 . So no mater how you cut it , they would have had to completely disregard some chapter of the federal law as well as state law. See that�s one of the real problems here . Its not a do as I say case but more of a do as I say , not as I do case .

Its also should be noted that while some think the American revolution was a case of the enter country supporting revolt , its was not . Only a small segment of the population were calling for separation / standing up against the laws and treatment of the crown .

So �If one were to go back and be able to apply the mass media of today , to the situation back then , we would most likely see , the very same types of discussion as we see here . IE some folks adamantly supporting one side others not and still others on the fence .
There were even those who were saying that it wasn�t the time but agreeing something needed to be done .
In order IMO for most folks in the east to really get a grasp on whats got folks in the west all fired up about this case and many others , you would have to go back alittle over 100 years to a time when parts of the east were being dealt with by the fed in much the same manor . That ended up in the US civil war . We forget that the war wasn�t just about slavery but the attempt of the fed to enforce its rules and regulations .

As such this is just the tip of the iceberg. it�s a much , Much bigger issue then just Bundy and his ranch

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