Originally Posted by isaac
From that point on, he had nothing to lose

Yes,he did and you're now seeing the extent of how much.

When I lease another person's property, I follow their rules, not mine.

Lastly, you can call 20 years of litigation, 2 federal court orders and an appellate order,coupled with many peaceful attempts to resolve it without force a "stroke of the pen" if you like, but it certainly isn't a credible comment.

If you knew anything about cows, you would know how stupid that statement is. Since the day they put down to 150 cows, he has had nothing to lose. A man can't make a living on 150 cows and his 160 acres is probably worth 50$ an acre without the cows. He has nothing to lose. For the last 20 years, he has been playing with house money. And I guarantee you that he does not have a dime to his name. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that land isn't even in his name now and given how long the feds have drug ass on this, they might not be able to get it now.

This is a man with nothing to lose and playing with house money. He has buffaloed the feds for 20 years and made them play to his tune and made a nice living while doing it.