Bundy couldn't make improvements

Im rather confused here . Am I to understand that you�re an attorney ?
No offence meant by that , im just wondering why it is that some of these things you don�t understand or already know.

So , actual yes he can and in fact its part of his requirements .
unless of course your going to say he doesn�t and never has had a permit. in which case there was nothing for the BLM to take away . so we end up back tracking all the way back , step by step tell we get to his original land claims , water rights and thus grazing right .
but lets skip all that and address the reasoning of his permit , which the BLM supposedly had a right to take away .
part of the Permit application , which i thought you had a copy of one , , requires him to not only make improvements to the water supplies itself but also lands , IE water shed itself . in other words maintaining erosion that could be possibly caused by his grazing. Doing so requires , stock tanks so as to help reduce the cattle impact on stream banks or natural watering holes .
In some case even wells so as to provide a water source not only for his cattle but also an additional water supply for wildlife during low water years ..
Corrals , loading shoots and such must be built in order to reduce the damage and provide for controlled release and retrieval.
There are also requirements for placing and maintain salt and mineral stations so as to reduce the effects of the cattle on natural sources

Just a small clip from the 1978 range improvement act
�No less than 80 percent of funds appropriated for the Act must be used for on-ground range rehabilitation, construction and maintenance of range improvements, and training of personnel. The Secretary must distribute funds as advisable after careful consultation and coordination with district grazing advisory boards, advisory councils, range user representatives and other interested parties. The Secretary must give priority to entering into cooperative agreements with range users or user groups for the installation and maintenance of on-ground range improvements. �

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